In The Storm

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"He still wont say anything?" Queen Coral shook her head. "I have had my interrogators work at him the whole morning. His mouth is closed."

Deathbringer scowled and Glory sighed.

"Let me at-I mean, let me talk to him, I know I could get him to speak."

Glory shook her head.

"He's one of Queen Corals subjects, there for, she gets to handle him."

"But he attacked you, with unauthorized magic, no one else has managed to get any information out of him, what is there to lose from letting me try?"


"Actually, I don't see it as much of a problem Glory, let him try." Coral placed a hand on Glory's shoulder.

Glory sighed.

"Alright, go on down. Do try not to kill him though wont you?"

Deathbringer grinned, a hungry glint gleaming in his eye.

"I shall do my best to restrain my self."

Glory rubbed her hands up and down her arms, shivering. A storm had blown in, and the air was growing colder.

"It looks as though this will be a long storm, you may have to delay your trip back Glory dear" Coral said, throwing a worried glance at the sky through the window.


A tortured shriek rang out from the dungeons, and Glory shivered again, remembering the look in Deathbringers eyes. The wild, crazy bloodthirsty look. Like a wolf about to pounce upon it's prey.

"Well, sounds like your Nightwing is having some success"

Deathbringer dismissed the guards standing around the prisoner with a flick of his hand.

No one else could be present.

The figure from last night was a man. Thirty or forty by the looks of him. He stared at Deathbringer as he approached, glaring.

"What were you doing last night?" Deathbringer asked. silence.

"Who did you learn your magic from?" silence.

"What did you hope to gain?" More silence.

"So you won't talk then?"

The man smirked in a self satisfactory way.

"Good." Deathbringer hissed.

The mans eye brows shot up in surprise, his expression then turning to one of resolve as Deathbringer pulled something out of his cloak.

"They tortured me already, I wont give in to physical threats." The man said dryly.

Deathbringer grinned.

"Oh I'm not about to get physical, there are other ways to loosen a mans tongue."

It may be illegal, but it is necessary, besides, who is going to find out?

"He will answer all of your questions now" Deathbringer said.

Coral thanked him and went down, accompanied by her guards.

Glory gave him an approving look.

"Well well, I didn't think you could do it. Congratulations."

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