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It wasn't often that Deathbringer visited the library.  Not because he disliked reading, but because there was usually something better to occupy his time.

Today however, Deathbringer found the thought of a room filled with vast amounts of knowledge irresistibly compelling.

He walked through the long halls, pulling out books and flipping through them.

Finally, he found what he was looking for, and sat down next to the window and began to read.

Suddenly, he felt a tap on his shoulder.

He shot to his feet.

Glory stood behind him, looking over his shoulder. "Someone's jumpy today." she said.

Deathbringer shook his head and sat back down. "I'm just being careful"

Glory sat beside him. She looked at the book in his hand and looked up at him with her eyebrows raised. 

"Ancient Myths and Legends? Really?"

Deathbringer continued to flip through the books pages. "I'm looking for something"

"For what?" Glory asked.

Deathbringer held up a hand, then said, "There, I found it." Glory peered at the page. "The Sisters of Fate. Sinistra, Neoquin and Libra." She looked at him.

"I don't understand."

"That old woman. She said her name was Libra. I knew I had heard it somewhere before."

Glory looked at him disbelievingly. "So you think she's one of the sisters of fate? Not to stamp on your theory, but I don't see the connection."

Deathbringer glanced around, making sure no one was eaves dropping. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched.

"Libra" he read aloud. "The third and youngest sister of all three sisters of fate. The mother of crows, and mistress guardian of the gate into, and out of the underworld. She is the keeper of balance."

He closed the book. "Last night, I had a dream. In it was a large black crow. And before, she spoke to me in my mind, telling me that I would be tested. She was not only able to speak to me through my mind, but also access my thoughts and memories. I know you don't believe me Glory, but I swear it's true"

Glory tapped her foot thoughtfully.

"I suppose it does make sense, at least a little bit." she said.

"But I don't see why you're obsessing about it."

Of course you don't. Deathbringer thought.

I didn't tell you that your future depends on my passing these tests.

And I cannot tell you.

So instead, he smiled and said; "You're right.



Deathbringer was jolted out of his gaze as a young man rushed up to him.

"What is it?" he asked.

The man was young, surely no older than thirteen. He had a mop of sandy hair, and his face looked as though it had been dumped into a barrel of freckles.

He stood, bent over and gasping, apparently having run quite some distance.

"Sir, the armory master, he requests your presence in the smithy, shall I run back and tell him you are coming sir?"

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