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Starflight felt warmth. The warmth of sunlight.

He sat up and placed his feet uncertainly on the floor.

Having memorized the layout of his room, he was able to make his way somewhat confidently around to his clothing chest.

He felt around for something of a more lighter material, something that would keep him cool in the sun's scorching heat.

He owned a total of three white tunics, two of them where made of simple cotton, for everyday use. The third was silk, for more grand occasions.

He felt around for the silk one. The light cloth would protect him from burning, but would also not keep any heat in.

He pulled it on, along with a pair of black breeches.

He didn't hear the sound of quiet footsteps approaching.

"Starflight, you have it backwards." Small warm hands tugged the shirt off and over his head. He heard rustling and then, a moment later the shirt was slipped back on.

"Sunny" Staflight breathed. He didn't need to see her to know it was her. He would always know Sunny.

He felt chilled all of the sudden.

"There, now you look quite handsome. Come now, you slept in, I'll take you down for breakfast, Fatespeaker is still sleeping, she'll meet us down there, wait, let me fix your hair."

Starflight felt droplets of water hit the back of his neck as Sunny combed through his hair, gently with a wet comb smoothing it into shape.

"There" she said, he could hear the smile in her voice.

"Thank you" he said softly.

Sunny took his hand, leading him out of the room. "Don't mention it! I miss being able to get everyone ready, Glory has maids, Tsunami has maids, Clay doesn't care what he looks like, Fatepeaker helps you."

She sighed.

"You know, sometimes I really miss when we were children. Even though we were treated badly, things were so . . . uncomplicated. Things started happening so fast did they not? Suddenly were thrown into the war, held prisoner, and then, almost instantly, we started pairing off. Tsunami found Riptide, Clay found Peril, Glory found Deathbringer."

She sighed again.

"I'm happy for them, really, I just . . . I miss the days when we were all together."

I agree. Starflight thought sadly, Missing the day's when he would lay down beside his friends, and they would all just talk. They were all each other needed.

"That is what happens when you get older though." Sunny said.

"We will always be friends, I'm sure of it. Even if we pair off and start family's of our own, we will always be family to each other. That I am sure of."

Starflight heard the certainty ringing clear in her voice.

"Yes" he said softly.

"Yes I am sure of that too."

Sunny squeezed his hand, and he was warm again.

Assassins Bane (wof medieval human AU)Where stories live. Discover now