𝐹𝑜𝓇𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒜𝒻𝓉𝑒𝓇

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The dark woman's footsteps did not trouble the dust and stone. She knelt by Glory's side and stroked a stray hair from her porcelain face.

"She's so brave," she whispered.

"What did you mean . . . she won't wake up?" he croaked.

"She gave up her life for one of eternal slumber in the place of the girl Velvet, so she could tame the monster and reclaim what was hers." She looked up at him. "If she hadn't, he would have gone mad and killed every living being here."

"You--" he struggled to force the words out of a constricted throat. "You let her do this?"

"It was her choice."

"She had a life!" he cried. "She had a life! A future! She had . . . we--we had a future." He dropped to his knees and took the sleeping girl's hand in his, feeling the soft, quiet trip of her pulse. Everything around him was twisting and melting like wax, and then hardening into something strange and alien. "I can't--" his voice caught "-"I can't accept-I can't-this isn't it. Bring her back."

"I can't do that."

"Please!" the corners of his vision were bleary. There were tears in his eyes. When was the last time he cried? Years. Years and years ago. 

There were others now too. People were beginning to gather, and he wished they wouldn't. They didn't understand. They could never understand. 

"What is this?" Grandeur's voice broke through the silence. Then she was there, and she was horrified. 

"Your granddaughter has made a noble sacrifice," Libra told her gently.

"No!" The old Queen stumbled forward and clutched Glory's face. The face of eternal slumber and beauty. "She's an heir!" She cried. "This . . . this cannot be her fate. I cannot-it-but she's . . . she has a-"

"It shall survive."

"I command that you fix this!" Grandeur demanded. Her voice shook with disbelief and grief. She understood, Deathbringer knew. She understood. Without speaking they reached out an empty hand and wove their fingers together tightly. She understood, and he understood. They understood.

"The balance must remain." Libra shook her head sadly. "Someone must lay in eternal slumber."

"Take me then." Deathbringer lifted his head. "Let it be me."

Libra's lips stretched into an amused smile. "Your heroics know no bounds NightWing. I admire you for what you offer, but it's fruitless. A woman was put to sleep, and only a woman may take her place."

"I'll take her place!" Grandeur insisted. "I'm old. My life is nearly at its end. It would be no sacrifice. Please, take me!"

"I am sorry." Libra held out her hands in a helpless gesture. "Only sacrifice may take the place of sacrifice."

Deathbringer's heart was shattering. The shards were sharp and pierced his lungs. He couldn't breathe.

"I'll do it."

The world stilled as another voice broke through the strangling grief. Aphrodite wore no fear on her face. Her hands were clenched at her sides, and her face was set with determination. "I'll take her place."

"Aphrodite . . ."

"I loved you, you know," she told him, staring him in the eyes. "And I might have loved you more if you'd have given me a chance."

"I can't."

"I know." She sucked in a shaky breath. "And don't get me wrong. I'm not doing this out of desperation. I lived without you my entire life. I can live without you again. I'm not giving up because you can't love me. I'm not that weak."

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