Green Eyed Fantasy

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Glory did her best to maintain a patent and thoughtful expression whilst enduring the seemingly endless babble of the Kingdoms healers.

"I would suggest bathing in a mixture of two parts elephant milk, and three parts fresh ox blood. It will help promote overall health and strength," one told her importantly.

"You Jackass, that method was used by our ancestors to thicken the skin. Your majesty, " Another interrupted and bowed deeply in Glory's direction.

"May I please recommend you intake a daily mix or frog brains, honey, wolf spiders and lavender? I know for a fact that it can help eliminate some of the more disagreeable side affects of your condition."

"Oh yes, that will definitely help, of course through death, one eliminates all of their problems. I suppose she may as well feed herself poison while she's at it for all the good it will do. Who taught you your craft? Show me proof of your passing all of your exams. Do it."

"You two are full of manure. What her majesty should really do is a daily ritual of cleansing her body of evil spirits. In my experience-"

Glory stopped the elderly Rainwing healer before she had the time to start another ridiculous argument.

"Thank you everyone, your ideas are most helpful,  but I'm sorry I have a meeting to attend to, so if you'll excuse me-" 

"If I may your majesty, when in a condition such as yours it is unwise to take part in such things as meetings and battle discussions. Your only job should be to rest and prepare yourself." The Rainwing said sternly.

Glory resisted the urge to point out that what she did to help save the Kingdom really wasn't any business of theirs, and instead smiled and said brightly,

"Unfortunately this is of the utmost importance . Thank you again for your wise words of council, I shall be in contact with you if I need anything at all. You may be dismissed."

The obeyed, several of them glaring at each other.

Glory made her way to the council room, trying to ignore the fact that she was absolutely helpless.

"You look terrible." Grandeur commented when Glory joined her by a large table.

Glory rolled her eyes. "Well three days without sleep will do that to you."

The old woman shook her head. "You shouldn't be depriving yourself of rest like this, especially not now-"

"Oh yes because I'm totally doing my best not to fall asleep." Glory snapped.

Grandeur narrowed her eyes. She opened her mouth for a moment as though she were about to snap impatiently, then her gaze softened and she turned her weathered face towards the window, where a steady rain was rushing down, as though the skies themselves were weeping for the sudden misfortunes of the young Queen to be.

"Of course. It was thoughtless of me to make such a remark. Truly I cannot know what you are feeling. Though I see what you are going through, the burden is not mine. Forgive me."

Her eyes returned to her granddaughter.

"I'm worried about you. This . . . ordeal is bringing back unpleasant memories of my daughters death."

Glory felt her heart tighten slightly at the mention of the mother she had never met.

"I never told you what happened did I?" Grandeur asked.

Glory shook her head. "All you said was that she had died, and that her name was Rain."

"Yes." Grandeur settled herself down at the window seat.

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