Cupids Arrow

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At last. Deathbringer thought. They were leaving the kingdom of the Sea and heading back to the Kingdom of Rain. He felt like a large weight was lifting from his shoulders.

He and Glory rode side by side, accompanied by Glory's guards.

Glory too looked lighter, less stressed out than usual.

The pale morning sunlight loved her skin, shone through her hair making it glitter with thousands of colors.

He shook his head and turned his thoughts to a far more productive subject. 

Who was that girl? The one disguised as a maid servant, the one with violet eyes, and a shifty look about her.

Should I have told Glory?

He shook his head. No, there is no point bothering her about it, I don't think she was the one that girl was after.

But then, if she wasn't after Glory she must have been after someone from the kingdom of the Sea.

He began to wish he had told someone else.

You told Riptide, don't feel guilty.

But was that enough?

~Flash back~


"Deathbringer! Are you looking forwards to heading back?"

"Yes, but listen-" Deathbringer took Riptide by the arm and lead him somewhere they wouldn't be over heard.

"Last night, I saw someone, sneaking around pretending to be a maid servant, she may be after someone in the Royal family, look out for them, and be wary of girls with violet eyes."

"Um, alright but, what if she was, just a maid servant?"

"She wasn't. I bet my life"

Riptide nodded. "Okay, I believe you, but why don't you tell Tsunami?"

Deathbringer shifted uncomfortably.

"She and I . . . don't mix well, and I would really rather not have her think I care for her or her family at all."

Riptide laughed.

"Okay, I'll watch out. I guess I'll see you later?" he held out a hand and Deathbringer took it. 


~End of Flashback~

You aren't in charge of protecting the SeaWings, you told someone, that's enough.

Deathbringer shook his head again.

"Hey, Deathbringer. Are you alright?" Glory's voice reached his ears, sharp and clear, braking him out of his reverie.

"I-yes, I'm fine, why?"

She pulled her horse up to ride close by his own.

"You seem distracted."

He shrugged. "I'm just thinking"

Glory rolled her eyes, then to his surprise reached a hand over and placed it on his arm.

"Deathbringer, tell me what is worrying you. You don't have to hide your thoughts from me to save me the burden of carrying them. I can handle it."

Her voice was low, so the guards wouldn't hear, and surprisingly affectionate.

He swallowed.

 The place her hand touched his arm burned and tingled, like lightning in his veins.

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