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"I envy people that know love. That have someone who takes them as they are."
― Jess C Scott, The Devilin Fey


"What else did they say?" She interrogated the servant as they hurried down the winding stairs leading into the great hall.

"Not much, they're all in pretty bad shape. One of them was unconscious, another collapsed the moment we let them in and the third fainted after blurting one name, "Deathbringer."

"Two IceWings and a SandWing you said?"

"That's right."

"Place them under immediate care."

"Yes your majesty."


Aphrodite opened her eyes to sunlight and warmth. Sitting up she found Boreal sitting near her in clean clothes. When he saw she was awake, he smiled.

"You had a fever," He told her. "But we're all okay now."

"Is this it?" She asked, looking around in wonder. "This is the Rain Kingdom?"

"Yes it is, welcome."

A beautiful young woman entered the room. She had long, blond hair and glittering emerald eyes. She carried herself with a grace and poise that left now doubt of who she was.

"Queen Glory?" Aphrodite asked.

Glory smiled. "Just Glory. You're Aphrodite?"

"I am."

"It's a pleasure to meet you. Boreal here has told me what he knows, but I must here it from you too. Is it true then, that Deathbringer is alive?"

Something in her eyes when she said his name made Aphrodite's heart sink.

"Yes, last I saw. We planned for all of us to escape together but we were caught. He stayed behind to give us time. I don't know what happened afterwards."

"I see," Glory looked down and chewed her lip thoughtfully.

"Can I ask, how do you know Deathbringer?" asked Aphrodite. "Why do you care for him so much?"

"He's . . . " She seemed to stop and consider what she was about to say. "He's someone very important to me."


Glory raised her head. "What is he to you?" she asked suddenly.

"Some one important to me, " Aphrodite echoed the Queen's own words.


There was an awkward silence as both women seemed to suddenly understand what the other was implying.

Glory's hands clenched around her abdomen and she stood up.

"Thank you for coming here, and for telling me everything. I promise you shall be very well taken care of, you needn't fear any more. Call me when your friend wakes up," she nodded at Frostbite who lay beside Aphrodite, still unconscious.

She made to leave the room, then stopped, and turned around to look Aphrodite directly in the eyes.

"I'll have you know," she said. "Deathbringer is a person who knows exactly what it is about him that draws others in, and he's not afraid to use that to his advantage." Her eyes were cold.

"Don't make the mistake of thinking that you know what his intentions are."

Then she turned back around, opened the door and swept out.

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