The Twins Tears

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Contains graphic description of murder :) Just so you know.

The hands we upon him the moments he tried to leap at the pyre. They held him back, nails digging into his flesh and threats being uttered in his ears. They played a cruel symphony with Velvet's screams to accompany them.

He was dragged away back into the abbey. Down, down, down. Deeper into the ground than he'd ever been before, and was shut away inside a dark room, where no amount of pleading, screaming or pounding could open the door.

Hours later three nuns came in. 

Velvet is dead. They told him, and held out a long piece of charred fabric that was undeniably from her dress. The smell lingering on it was of burnt flesh.

The fight left him like a candle blown out in the wind.

From there on, everything was a daze.

A daze that was uninterrupted until the day after, when all the students were eating together in the hall. 

Hyena sat beside Sadhi, who was still as a statue and patted him on the back. "You must be feeling like hell right now," he grinned.

"Go away," Sadhi leaned his head against the wall and closed his eyes. "I'm sick of you."

"I mean," Hyena chuckled, ignoring him. "She's dead because of you. It's all your fault."

"It's not." Sadhi said. "It's not my fault. Please don't say that. It's the Fathers fault. He's the reason she was killed."

"Is that what she told you?" Hyena burst out laughing and clapped his hands together in humor.

"If he hadn't-" Sadhi threaded his hands together. "If he hadn't done that to her, she would have been alright."

"You poor thing." Hyena smirked. "You poor, selfish, weak thing. Even now, just after the girl you loved has been killed, you're still pushing the blame on other people." 

"I'm not."

"What if I told you something," Hyena whispered. "Something Velvet didn't want you to know?"

"Don't say anything."

"It's true, Velvet was taken by the Father. You want to know how I know? I watched."

Sadhi made to stand up and move away, but the older boy grabbed his hand and pulled him back down, pinning him to the wall.

"But you're the one who knocked her up." He cocked his head to the side, a thrilled smile on his face. "She died," he pulled his lips down in a look of shock. "She died, because of you!"

Sadhi swallowed down the bile that rose into his mouth. His heart pounded in his chest, filling his ears with the sound, vibrating throughout his body.

"Of course," Hyena shook his head. "I can't give you all the credit. After all, it was me who told the nuns about her little secret. It's so pathetic isn't it? She wanted to run away with you. To raise that little monster in a far off place, with green grass and blue skies." He spat on the ground.

"What a pathetic dream. How useless."

People were starting to stare at them now, whispering to each other, wondering what was going to happen.

"Stop-it." Sadhi hissed, his voice coming out strangled and hoarse.

"You still trying to give away the blame? You want to make me the murderer?" 

Hyena stood up, and spread his arms wide to address the attentive crowd.

"Velvet was murdered!" He announced. "And I'm one of them who killed her!" His voice was gleeful, his smile manic and gleaming.

"I killed her, and so did Sadhi! And the thing that was inside of her."

The room was silent now. It wasn't entertainment anymore.

"Don't be shy!" Hyena laughed. "Stand up Sadhi, tell them what you did! Be a man!"

The NightWing danced around in a wild circle. "Sadhi's a murderer!" He whooped.
"Sadhi's a mur-"

The seconds that came between standing up, snatching the fruit knife from another student and driving that knife into Hyena's chest would be forgotten by him afterwards.

Everyone screamed and ran from the hall as Sadhi fell upon Hyena, plunging the knife into him again and again and again.

Even collapsed on the ground, blood spilling out of his lips, Hyena sang his song, the whites of his eyes flecked with spots of red.

Even when the pulse in Hyena's wrist had faded to nothing, still Sadhi stabbed him. He kept at it even when his clothes were soaked in blood and the body beneath him was cold. He kept going on and on, plunging in the knife deeper and deeper until the nuns came and tore him away from the corpse.

Tears and blood mingled together on his cheeks, and mixed, salty and bitter in his mouth.  His sobs echoed throughout the hall and his body.

The tears of two brothers, one who cried for a dead girl and the second who cried for the others soul.

"I'm sorry," Sadhi sobbed. "Velvet, I'm so sorry. I'm so, so, sorry. It's all my fault."


The idea was slow to come on, but by the time it did, the plan was already underway.

The ones who are alone and angry were always the ones who were easiest to turn against others. They were the easiest to bring under control.

When she found him, collapsed on the floor and shaking, her first instinct was to step over him. Her next however, was to try and comfort him, and she had learned from Tsunami that listening to first instincts wasn't always the best idea.

He had laid there, after being shaken out of it, and stayed put, soaked in sweat and trembling. She had given him a mix of bitter herbs in tea to bring down his fever, and he had accepted them.

"She was so beautiful," he whispered, the liquid in his cup shaking in his hands. "He loved her, more than anything. I loved her."

It was too easy in that moment. Easier than it should have been to convince him, and when the story was finished she almost wished she hadn't heard it.

"What happened then?" She spread a thin salve on a cut running across his cheek. "How did the two of you end up here?"

"Ginger." Was all he said.

When she visited Deathbringer again, under the ruse of giving him the water he had finally been permitted to drink, he agreed with her that the mystery Velvet, whether alive or dead, was the key to finding a way to undermine Ginger.

"I'll keep trying to get as close to Sarai as possible then." She suggested, and he nodded, but then took her hand and looked up at her with true, raw concern in his eyes. "But you must be careful."

"I will." She assured him.

"Oh, and Glory," She stopped just before the door and turned around.

"Don't fall in love with him."

"Idiot." She snorted. "That's the least of your worries."

Please remember to vote and comment :) We're drawing closer to the end! Yeesh this is taking a while.

Question: If someone you knew was deeply hurt by someone, a someone who got away with it, and a person who loved the victim very much took the law into their own hands, and you were the only one who knew, would you tell the police?

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