The Brilliant Plan Works Brilliantly(Almost) P1

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The plan was, or at least had seemed to be a very simple one.

At least it would have been, if Deathbringer had been working alone.

Unfortunately, throwing an IceWing with a crippling fear of heights into a plan that involved scaling the outside walls of a castle, immediately took the difficulty up several notches. 

Several hundred notches.

"It's not like I can help it!" Boreal snapped, approximately four hours before the sun would begin to set, several days after he and Deathbringer had made a deal with Aphrodite.

The decided date for their attempted rescue and then escape mission.

"Isn't there another way?" He asked.

Deathbringer threw his hands into the air in a show of exasperation.

"If you want to take the time to search for one go ahead. I'm trying to get us out of here hopefully sometime before the next year is up. Look, is this person you want to rescue very important to you?"

"Yes," Boreal answered without a shred of hesitation.

"Well then, are you willing to risk your life and face your fears to rescue that person?"

Boreal closed his eyes for a moment. 

"Yes." he said.

"Well then, problem solved. Aphrodite, give me the keys." Deathbringer held out his hand towards the SandWing woman standing by the doorway.

She frowned at him. "I'll carry them since I'm coming with you. "

"No way in hell are you coming with me." Deathbringer said.

"But you promised-"

"Yes, if I manage to escape, you can come with me, but you can't come with us this way. I don't need another weakling lowering our chance of success. You'll meet us down there, under the pretense of dumping out the trash."

"Okay first of all, I'm going to ignore the fact that you called me a weakling and therefor have insulted women, second of all, are you saying that we're escaping through the sewer?! Third, how can I know for sure that you'll keep your word and let me escape with you?" Aphrodite clutched the keys to her chest, away from him, her eyes narrowed.

Deathbringer barely managed not to just tell everyone to forget it, because they weren't coming with him after all because they were being so annoying and mistrustful and every other thing that drove him insane, not to mention ungrateful because he was the one who came up with such an awesome brilliant plan (especially considering the limited amount of material he had to work with) that would work fine if they would just listen to him. Also putting him under so much pressure because it was he, who was ultimately responsible for them because it was his plan, never mind that it was incredible and clever, and obviously he was internally freaking out because now he was responsible for three lives, including his own, plus another if their rescue mission worked, so they should give him a break and start being all positive and helpful and grateful before he pulled his hair out, and god forbid he reached that level of frustration because the mere thought of going home without his hair made the long fall from window to forest floor look extremely inviting. 

"Okay, first of all, I am a great admirer of women and their many talents, that comment was directed at the IceWing. Second, yes we are (hopefully) escaping through the sewer, believe me if there was an obvious other way, I would not choose this one, third, you're going to have to trust me on that one. Now please, give me the keys."

Aphrodite eyed him for a few very long seconds, before finally extending her hand and dropping the keys into Deathbringers waiting fingers.

"Thanks." He said. 

She nodded.

"Okay then, have you prepared yourself for the task ahead?" Deathbringer asked Boreal, half mocking, half serious.

"I'm ready." Boreal told him.

Even Deathbringer had to admit he was a little scared of heights when faced with the seemingly endless drop that one wrong step could lead too, though of course, he was the last person who would admit it.

Boreal, the poor fellow, looked as though he was about to be sick then and there.

"If you vomit on me, I'm going to push you off, and won't bother trying to save you." He informed the shivering IceWing beside him, who evidently was feeling even worse than Deathbringer had thought, because he clearly did his best not to even open his mouth to deliver a comeback.

His bravery was commendable, but of course that was another thing Deathbringer would never admit to anyone. 

The slow descent upwards was terrifying and stressful, every step you took had the potential to send you to your death.

In fact, having reached Gingers window without either of them slipping once, Deathbringer  almost couldn't believe it.

In fact, Deathbringer was now fully convinced that he never even wanted to look out a window again.

The two men lay side by side on the floor, just breathing and to urge their souls back inside their bodies.

Fortunately, the feeling didn't last long, and soon the fear gave away to shock, and then to a strange, bubbly sense of Euphorbia.

It was similar the feeling one gets after consuming an extravagant amount of alcohol in a very short amount of time.

Weather it be from alcohol, love, fear or relief, being drunk is never a good thing to experience while on an escape mission.

The fine mood was interrupted when Boreal sat up, ran to the window and was suddenly and violently sick.

After that, things mellowed down.

"So, we made it?" Boreal asked in a shaky voice.

"Yeah, I guess we did. I'm rather surprised myself. I mean not for myself, obviously I wasn't worried for a moment, but you? I am heartily impressed."

Deathbringer clapped the IceWing on the shoulder.

Then they both seemed to realize where they were.

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