Midnight Hours

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Peril skipped out into the Seawing court yard. Her heart was still fluttering and her face was still aglow from the thrill of dancing.

The moon shone brightly like a large silver coin in the sky, illuminating her surroundings in a pale ethical light.

She hummed softly to herself as she made her way towards the guest chambers, accompanied by the soft lulling shhh of the waves, the delicious tang of salt in the air, and a warm breeze carrying a crickets song.

Though it had to be well into midnight, she had never felt so wide awake, so happy and elated. At that moment it felt as though anything was possible. She could spread wings and fly to the moon. She could turn lead to gold.

No task was to great when one's heart was still beating from the aftermath of a particularly pleasant evening spent with one's love.

Peril entered her room, and slipped off her dress, changing into a more suitable night gown. She twirled over to the bedside table that held a wash basin and cloth. She rinsed her face and neck, patting herself dry with the soft material, and brushed her hair.

"If the thee, my lord could see me now, I'm sure thy heart would sing, thy eyes alight, victory sure, thy rivals gone pale.

For soon I shall sing the our victory song, when bells shall ring, as though swaying through storm and mighty gale.

You see my lord, no foe shall ever be too great for you when I am by your side,

Our love is strong, warm and bright like a candle in dwindling winter light."

Peril sang her favorite Celtic love song softly, not caring that she was dreadfully off tune.

She stepped out onto her balcony, gazing out at the ocean.

Gone were her days of murder and darkness, sadness, and hate, for she had found love now, and for love she would always wait.

Her eyelids began to droop, and she shook herself, dancing back to her bed, stopping only once when one high kicking foot knocked over a beautiful porcelain vase, (She hid the shards in her wash basin) and lay down, covering herself with the thin blankets and smiling up at the ceiling, Clay's gentle hands, sweet smile and soft laughter following her into her dreams.

Clay whistled softly as he made his way to his chambers, an extra lamb chop, half a loaf of bread, slab of cheese and a flask of wine in his hands.

Midnight feast's would always set you right after a long evening dancing.

He pushed away the shred of disappointment he felt when realizing he would be feasting alone. Feasting was never quite as fun alone.

No one could join him though. All of his friends would have returned to their bed's, tired out and not in the least bit hungry.

His forced himself to think of happier things. Peril's smiling face immediately swam up in his minds eye. It made him incredibly joyful to see her look so happy. It was as though her smile was one of the most important things in the world.

He wondered vaguely, as he opened the door to his room, what else he could do to make her happy.

He and his friends would be spending three more days in the kingdom of the sea, perhaps he aught to take Peril on an out door feasting day?

He grinned, the prospect of a whole day spent with Peril and lavish amounts of food was a truly wonderful thing.

Making up his mind, he strode to his desk, and found a clean piece of parchment. Taking up his quill, he dipped it in the ink well and wrote:

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