In The Darkest Hour There Is Light

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Winter's horse plodded forwards, its white mane and tail coated in sand. Winter himself was trying to stay awake, his eye's stung, he had sand in his mouth, and felt terrible. Despite the deserts heat, he began to shiver violently.

The strong winds blew harder, sand swirled around him like a snow storm.

How far from Thorns strong hold was he?

He couldn't tell where he was, details were fading.

He was going to see Moon.

And Moon is?

And Qibli.


He was Winter Doranbolt.

I am?

Light fading, darkness closing in, cold, sand, pain.

Unknown time.

Warmth, water, voices, soft hands, soft words.


Winter smiled slightly as small hands caressed his face.

Automatically, he reached his own up and felt smooth skin on his palm.


Moon had that feeling she got when something bad was going to happen.

A strange vision, followed by a piercing head ache.

In the world of Pyrrhia, Magic was banned, rare.

Only very few people had it. Some in the form of Witch Craft, Curses, Druidry, others, Clairvoyance.

Moon had been able to see flashes of the future ever since she was a little girl. Her mother had hidden the gift from everyone else, encouraging Moon to do the same, and she had, mostly.

Very few knew of her gift, only Kinkajou, Peril, Turtle, Qibli and Winter. She hoped to keep it that way. Those with Clairvoyance were as hunted as those with Witch Craft.

She closed her eyes.

There it was again.

Sand, white, blue, a horse, a figure slumped on its back, frosty white blue hair-

"Winter!" Moon cried, leaping up. She ran downstairs, past servants, past other Sandwings.

She tore through the doors and outside, looking around wildly.

Sand swirled around her.

She cupped her hands too her mouth and called.


Suddenly, he was there, his hair coated in sand, his horse plodding forwards as its rider slipped further and further from its back.

She ran, just in time to catch him as he fell.

She touched a hand lightly to his fore head, then drew it back with alarm. His temperature was high. Far too high.


Qibli ran up to her, opening his mouth to no doubt scold her for going out in a sand storm alone, when he saw the boy in her arms.

"Good god" he said, his face draining of color. "Is he alright?" he rushed to help her lift him and bring him inside.

"It's alright, I can handle this alone. Can somebody please bring me a bowl of cold water? And a cloth? Thank you"

Moon was left alone with Winter in the infirmary.

Oil lamps cast a warm glow to the room, and a small fire was lit.

Moon soaked the cloth in cold water, then wrung it out and placed it on Winters head, smoothing her hands over his face, fingers tracing his sharp jaw line, running through his spiked hair, touching his pale lips and high cheek bones.

"Winter" She said softly.

His eyelids fluttered, and a small smile crossed his lips.

His hand rose to touch her cheek, then fell, limply.


She smiled and took his hand.

"Don't worry, I'll heal you. Dear dear Winter, oh how I have missed you"

She didn't see the shadow watching her by the door, neither did she see him leave.

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