Like Red Velvet

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This is my favorite song in the entire world. I don't know why, but it's so beautiful! And his voice is just gorgeous . . .

Anyway, on with the story----------

Sadhi was nearly immune to it now, the pain that was inflicted upon him every day. He didn't really mind any more.

The internal pain of loneliness, and the torture of Sarai had been much worse.

But now he was no longer lonely, and he hadn't even sensed Sarai for four years. The stick, the cane, even the whip. They didn't matter any more, because he was happy.

Over time, he had begun to make friends. Actual friends, who admired him and didn't try to hurt him. When they were bored, the would skive off the morning prayers and climb trees or plant burrs in the nuns robes.

The fun would only last for so long, soon enough, they would be caught, and punished, but it was always alright in the end. When he walked back to his room, his palm red and swollen or his back covered in lashes, Velvet was always there, and she would scold him, first, for putting himself in danger, and then would comfort him, and they would laugh together at the thought of what the victims of his pranks faces would look like the next morning.

But then one day, things went wrong.


She hummed softly as she sorted through the books in the library. She was feeling better now, and that made her feel amazing.

"Looking for something?" she jumped as a voice shattered the silence of the room.

"Who's there?" she hissed.

A figure stepped out of the shadows. "Hyena." She acknowledged him flatly. "Velvet." He smirked. She brushed off her hands and placed them on her hips.

"What do you want? She snapped.

"I want to talk of course." He walked forwards to stand next to her in front of the bookshelf, and took one of the books from her hands to slide it in its place, too high for her to reach.

"I can do it myself." She growled.

"Sure you can."

"If you have something you want to say," she threw her hands into the air. "Say it and go away. I'm sick of being around you."

"Because of Sadhi?"

"Do you even know what you did to him? How sick he was afterwards? How he wanted to kill himself?" 

Hyena grinned. "My, my, look at you, Sadhi's little protector. Tell me," he leaned forwards to breath in her ear. "Does you precious Sadhi know your secret?"

"What secret?" she leaned away from him, glaring.

"Oh, you know," he tucked his hands in his pockets. "The secret you've kept hidden for three months? The secret hidden inside of you?"

"What?" Velvet felt her face drain of color and she gripped the edge of the shelf to keep from falling down.

"Whoops, I forgot you're in a delicate . . . condition right now," he smirked again, eyes glimmering with hatred.

"How do you-how do you know-" she asked hoarsely. "How do you know this? No one else knows . . ."

He gave her a disgusted look. "I know a girl in trouble when I see one. My mother, do you know she had twelve children, not including me? No, you didn't know that. But I do. I saw her every day. I saw her being sick in the garden every morning. I heard her screams in the middle of the night and I saw the blood on the sheets." 

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