The Tests

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"Excuse me" Deathbringer looked around. He was inside the palace once again,

"Yes?" Deathbringer answered to the maid who had approached him. She bowed her head to avoid looking into his eyes and said softly; 

"The princess asks that you meet her in the east tower chamber. There is something important she says that she needs your help with-you know the way?"

"Yes" he said. "Thank you." she hurried away.

The east tower chamber was where meetings were held, councils and trials. 

When he opened the doors, he was surprised to see that the whole room was filled. There was the councilors, The Queen and others who took part in such things.

They milled about, talking in hushed voices.

Glory appeared beside him with a relieved expression.

"Good you're here. I-why do you have blood on your hands?" she asked.

Deathbringer looked down, where his hands were indeed still stained with the she wolfs blood.

"Oh. Long story, but nothing to worry about." he said.

Glory rolled her eyes. "I wasn't worried" she said. 

"Of course you weren't." Deathbringer smirked.

"Anyways, what did you need me here for?"

"That will become clear in a moment." Glory assured him. She lead him over to the large stone table in the middle of the room. On it was the huge map of the continent.

"Can I have everyone's attention please" Glory called into the room. Everyone fell silent and gathered around the table.

Glory cleared her throat and picked up a rolled piece of parchment.

"This morning, a message arrived from the Mud kingdom. Two of their strongest outposts were attacked and set aflame early three days ago. Apparently several members of the barbarian tribe were spotted fleeing the incident."

She help up two more similar pieces of parchment. "And a few hours ago we received two more similar messages , one from the Sky Kingdom and the other from the Sand Kingdom with similar stories. We were warned that we may be targeted next as the Barbarians seem to go after the Kingdoms with the weakest defenses or without good leadership. In other words, war may be brewing."

Everyone began talking very fast in hushed voices.

Deathbringer felt his own expression darken. 

Perhaps, the reason he hadn't spoken to Glory of the rumors was for this very reason. When everyone knew about them they became all the more real. War was no jest.

Glory cleared her throat once again and everyone stopped to listen.

She sighed.

"Look. There is no easy way to say any of this, but you all know as well as I do that even with two Kingdoms joined as one, we aren't in any fighting condition, even against the barbarians. We are at an unfortunate disadvantage in this situation.

"First off, we have no idea how large their numbers are, but the would definitely know ours. Secondly, they care not for each others safety, but we have many people we need to protect. The untrained, the weak, the sick, the children, the old, from Rain and Night both. When you count out all of them, we are left with very few who could actually defend the Kingdom, and protect the others at the same time. Do any one have any suggestions?"

She looked around, and Deathbringer could tell she didn't really think any one would have any ideas. 

So Deathbringer said the first thing that came to his mind.

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