Violent Romance

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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Glory asked, pulling her cloak around her tighter to keep out the cold breeze.
"I believe it is. You want to be able to protect your self, your grandmother wants you to be able to protect your self, and I want you to be able to protect your self in case I'm not around to do it for you." Deathbringer said.

Glory rolled her eyes.

"And what makes you think I can't already?"

Deathbringer stopped walking abruptly and Glory strode into him.

He turned to face her.

"That's what we're going to find out."

He pulled his cloak away from his belt and unsheathed two swords. One of them, he handed to her.

"You want me to fight you?" Glory asked, confused.

"Yes. Attack me with everything you have, and try to avoid my own strikes. I will be able to tell how skilled you are that way, and how much you need to be taught."

Glory looked down at the sword in her hand. 

"What if I stab you?" she asked.

He smirked.

"That's not going to happen. Go ahead, attack me."

Glory swung the sword at his shoulder but he deflected the blow easily. She drew back and swung again, but he dodged this attack as well, leaving her reeling for balance.

Using her distraction, Deathbringer flicked his sword upwards, slicing cleanly through the leather string that tied up her thick plait, letting her hair flow loose and glowing in a soft wave, settling around her shoulders like cliff grass.

"Don't leave your self open for attacks." he warned her.

Glory huffed and swung at him again, and again, and again. Each time she missed, each time he evaded her blade, his own sword finding it's mark each time.

Little things, to show how controlled he was. How effortless this spar was.

The strings of her cloak, a piece of hair, a slice off her sleeve, the side off her dress.

Glory soon stood panting, clutching at the tattered remains of her under-dress.

"You are letting your frustration control your movements. You will have no hope of getting near me unless you calm your mind."

Glory growled and took a swipe at him, hissing as once again she missed, and her tattered clothing soon hugged onto her only by threads.

"How can I stay calm when my clothes are threatening to fall off!?" she gasped at him, doubled over and wheezing.

He grinned. "It makes it more interesting. Now, let's see how much better you fare if only on the defensive. Don't worry about striking at me, just defend your self."

Glory raised her sword just in time to block Deathbringer's first attack. Their eyes met for a brief moment, green staring into violet, then he struck again.

His footwork was perfect, his blows perfectly aimed and balanced, not once did he falter.

It took all of Glory's strength to keep his weapon from touching her.

Suddenly, his attacks became more vicious and fast. Glory began to walk back wards.

Slowly, he began backing her up,till she felt her back touch a cold, hard surface, and she could go no further.

Panicking, from the feeling of being cornered, Glory closed her eyes and raised her sword in front of her face, ready for the next blow. Only, it didn't come. 

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