Shattered and More

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This chapter contains suggestions of sexual assault. If you are not comfortable with this, please do not proceed.  


A year ago.

"The you've done what I've asked?" Ginger spoke to the tall man in dark robes that walked swiftly beside him.

"I have, but I don't understand why. If she's dead, it won't make a difference."

"This is a situation that is for me to understand, and you to accept." He clapped the man on the shoulder.

"There's only one thing I'm wondering then," The man stopped walking.

"Yes, Father, what is it?"

"The thing. Won't it complicate matters?"

Ginger shrugged. "Kill it. It's an un-nessiasry complication,"  he laughed at the look on the Fathers face. "You don't shy from forcing yourself upon a young woman, or taking a torch to her, but you shirk at the thought of killing an unborn bastard? Please, Father, do not pretend you can save your soul now."

"You promised," the Father forced out the words. "You promised that if I did what you wanted, you wouldn't have me excommunicated."

"Not from the Church," Ginger agreed flicking a speck of ash off the Fathers robes. "But I can't pretend that I have any authority in heaven. Now, where is he?"

"This way." The Father did not look pleased, but led the way to an underground room. "I don't see why you want him." He sneered at the door. "He's a beast. Nothing more."

"Well you see, that's what I need. A beast would better fit my needs than another human."

The door was locked, and Ginger made his way inside, leaving the Father with a door in his face.

The silhouette of a boy Ginger could barely make out in the darkness. He was slumped over, holding his face in his hands. The air was rank with the stench of blood.

"Ho there!" Ginger called out merrily.

The boy didn't answer. Ginger seated himself a small ways away.

"My names Ginger."


"I understand you just murdered one of your fellow students. Tut, tut." 

"What do you want?" The voice was wretched, empty and desolate. "I don't want any more preachers, or saints. I don't want any more baptisms or purifications. My soul is damned and no god can fix it."

"Oh, I am no preacher!" Ginger chortled. "No, I am come to offer you a job."

"A job." The boy threw back his head and laughed, the sound escaping dry and ragged. 

"Employ a murderer? What are you, a madman?"

"I was under the impression that Sadhi was a gentle soul."

The laughter stopped. "Sadhi's gone." The voice hissed. "He's not here anymore."

"He left you alone, did he?"

"He couldn't stand it."

"What couldn't he stand?"

"Being here!" The boy exploded. He jerked up, but the chains running from the wall to the collar  around his neck jerked him back down.

"They treated him like filth, when it was me who did it all! Then when he was finally happy, they took it away from him! They killed her, and then he killed him, and he couldn't bear any any of it!"

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