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Sunny's smile brightened as she saw her mother waiting for her by the entrance of the Stronghold. Thorn beamed as her daughter jumped off her horse and tumbled into her mother's embrace.

Sunny buried her face in her mother's hair and breathed in the scent of familiarity, comfort, and warmth.

"Oh Sunny, I missed you so much!" Thorn said.

"I missed you too! So tell me, what's going on? Anything interesting?" Sunny asked.

Thorn shook her head. "Thank goodness, nothing much. I am, however, preparing Qibli and Moonwatcher for their marriage ceremony. Poor lad, he's quite frazzled.'

Sunny laughed but felt a slight pang of sympathy for a certain Icewing Prince. 

Surely this was hard on him.

"When are they getting married mother?" Sunny asked.

Thorn sighed. "In a few months, I believe. They keep switching the date. You know they've been engaged for over a year now. If I didn't know better I would say that the bride was getting cold feet."

"Really?" Sunny said, surprised. "Well, I'm sure that's normal. After marriage, there isn't really any going back is there?"

"Yes," Thorn agreed.

She and Sunny walked inside the Stronghold and walked the long tapestry covered halls to Sunny's room.

"I hope it's good enough. We had a sandstorm the other week that wiped out several rooms, unfortunately, the best ones, so this will have to do." Thorn said.

"It's wonderful mother, don't worry about it for a second."

"Sunny! You're here!" Sunny turned around.

Qibli stood in the doorway, familiar freckled face with its usual grin. Nestled snuggly at his side was a young, pale dark-haired woman.

"Qibli! Moon! It's so good to see you, how are you?" she asked.

"Better than I ever have been! Well, almost. How long are you staying? Will you be here for my marriage?" Qibli asked

Sunny thought for a moment. "Depends, when is it?"

"In three weeks," he said happily.

Moon frowned slightly. "Three weeks? I thought it was three months . . . "

Qibli looked down sheepishly. "Yes but . . . it's just that . . . I don't know, I'm feeling a little impatient, and you know . . . the timing just feels right. Sunny's here, Winter's here . . . and . . .well, we both love each other right? Why wait?"

Moon rubbed her temples and sighed. "No . . . I-I get it it's just . . . I wish you'd spoken to me about it first."

Qibli nodded. "You are completely right, that was wrong of me, I'm sorry . . . is it . . . alright with you?"

She smiled at him and nodded, but to Sunny, it looked more forced than usual.

"Yes, yes . . . it's fine."

Thorn smiled and clapped her hands together. "Well in that case we had better get planning! Sunny can help you . . . won't you Sunny?"

"I uh. . . Oh! Yes, yes, of course, I'd love to" Sunny said.

"Well then, I'll leave you guys to it . . . I'm going to go find Winter. I haven't seen him since last night." Qibli kissed Moon gently and left.

"I'll make myself scarce as well, have fun you two" Thorn smiled.

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