Ocean Flowing (P1)

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This chapter has a character in it Named Ocean Flow, she is an OC from someone who requested that she might be in the book.

Ocean Flow does not belong to me.

Ocean Flow slipped the long thin sliver knife into her belt, hiding it beneath her skirts. She Threw a shawl around her shoulders, and arranged her dress in front of the mirror, tugging and pulling the cloth into a presentable shape.

Finally she was satisfied.

The dress had been stolen from a large pile of dresses waiting to be washed, it was the perfect disguise. As long as she kept her face out of view, no one could mistake her for anyone other than a maid 

She made a "tsk" sound as she spun around, viewing herself.

"What a useless and uncomfortable garment" she muttered 

She stepped out of the small storage room, doing her best to walk normally.

The first few times she past people in the halls, she stiffened, worried someone might call her out, but no one paid any attention to her. In their eyes, she was a maid, nothing else.

Your first mistake.

She needed to find the Royal Seawing bedrooms, that's where the target would be.

Finally, after what seemed like hours of searching, she found her way to one of the more fancy corridors.

This has to be it. She though.

She stopped at the first door, and opened it hesitantly.

No one was inside, perhaps somewhere else in the room? 

She stepped inside and slid along the walls, hiding in the shadows. There was something in the bed. She frowned, it was to large for a small princess.

She peered closer.

"Do you need something?" 

She whipped around.

There was a young man standing in the door way.

"I . . . I was-I was just . . . collecting-sheets, dirty sheets, changing the blankets."

She reached forwards and smoothed a hand along the pillows .

"Oh?" The man said, he didn't move, just stayed there watching her. Locks of spiky black hair falling untamed to brush his shoulders.

He's a Nightwing!

"Well, then do continue." 

She smoothed down a corner of one of the blankets. "All done" She said and hurried out, but just as she past the NightWing, he spoke again.

"Tell me, where did you mean to go?"

She stopped.

"I-don't understand-"

"Well, I can only assume you were lost, as her majesty has requested that no maids clean anything after Six."

He walked towards her slowly.

"So either you were lost, or you were disobeying orders, and if not, you never received those orders, in which case . . ."

He stopped walking barley a foot from her. 

"In which case you aren't really a maid, so what were you doing there pray tell?"

Ocean Flow felt a shiver of danger slip along her spine. This NightWing was dangerous. He saw straight through her. If she didn't get out of there quick everything would be ruined.

She curtsied, turned and fled. He didn't chase her, but he watched her, and she knew, that wouldn't be her last encounter with him.

She would have to keep her guard up.

Now, for my mission. I have to finish it, fast, and get out of here

Her violet eyes narrowed in concentration.

Come out come out little SeaWing, I want us to have a little adventure together  

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