Sacrafice and Thunder

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Something wasn't right. He could feel that something wasn't right. The ceiling above him shook with a rumble of thunder. Glory hadn't been to see him in too long. Something terrible was happening.

Suddenly, the iron door flew off its hinges, and he had to duck to avoid being decapitated. Perring through the dust, he could make out two figures standing in the doorway, and when his vision cleared, he was sure he was hallucinating.

"Thunder? Moonflower?" he rasped. "What the—"

"We've come to get you out of here," Moonflower said, while Thunder bent down to help him up.

"Did Glory—"

"Yes. Now hurry. Something weird is going on. Can you stand?"


He followed them up the stairs, pausing now and then as his head swam. The thunder came again, louder this time.

"What's happening?" he asked.

"A psycho showdown, I think," Thunder answered him, taking him by the arm and tugging him up the last few steps.

Deathbringer's blood went cold. "Do you mean, between Sarai and Ginger?"


An additional question swam to the surface of his mind, along with a crippling sense of urgency. "Where's Glory?" he asked.

Moonflower and Thunder exchanged looks. "Don't think about that now, Deathy. She told us to get you out, and that's what we're doing."

"Where is she?" He stopped, planting his feet firmly on the ground and glaring at the two women.

"Last we saw," Thunder said, "She was—"

"She was heading towards the exit, with the others," Moonflower cut in smoothly, avoiding his eyes. "She said she would meet us out there. Hurry up. I don't want to be inside this place when it falls down."

He was filled with a terrible sense of deja vu. Once upon a time he had been stuck in a similar dungeon, with a similar threat hanging above his head; but that time it had been Glory urging him out. Now his stomach was lead, and his heart was stone. Something wasn't right. Something terrible had happened.


"Sadhi and Sarai, they've melded together?" she whispered.

"Not exactly, no. They've come into a state where their two conscious minds are awake together, and this combined with their hatred of Ginger has caused them to go mad." The mysterious woman, Libra, took Velvet's hand in a cool grasp.

"They need you."

Velvet cast her gaze to the young woman who had taken her place, sleeping inside the glass coffin. Tear tracks trailed down her glassy cheeks, and Velvet felt her heart squeeze painfully at the thought of everything she must have sacrificed.

"She gave up her life, to awaken me."

"Yes, dear."

"But, I don't know what to do," Velvet clenched her hands into fists over her lap as she fought tears from her eyes. "I've never fought anyone. I have no magic."

"Do you believe that, truly?" Libra asked. "Have you not always had the uncanny ability to bond with those who others view as beasts?"

"That's not magic!" Velvet cried. "That's just—it's just—"

"Love. You give them the one thing they need, that no one else will."

"I'm frightened," Velvet whispered. "I don't know what to do."

"You will," Libra promised. "Go to them, and what you must do shall become clear."


"Are you certain this is the way?" The old RainWing Queen asked as she peered around at the surrounding foliage. The RainWing army marched silently through the underbrush, bright faces unusually solemn. They knew what was at stake.

"I'm certain," Aphrodite answered. "We'll rescue your granddaughter."

And him. I'll rescue him.

Sorry that this chapter was so short. The last one was really long! Anyway, thanks so much for reading this, I hope you enjoyed it, even though it was terrible. We only have about two chapters left, maybe three, and then an epilogue. Almost done!

Please remember to vote and comment :) It makes me so happy!

I love you all💜

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