Ch.34 - Mine

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(Warnings: CNC, knifeplay, light degradation)

How many different ways could you express your fake enthusiasm about your fake engagement to your fake fiancé?

You were only a few hours into the engagement party that Hux was throwing for the two of you and you were already exhausted with having to put on a smile and act like you were in love with him. Hux rented out a large room in an upscale restaurant that just opened up. Almost everyone who was in attendance was part of the mob, you recognized a lot of familiar faces even if you didn't know who they were. It was just Hux's guest list, you didn't have anyone to invite.

Everyone wanted to see the ring and there were multiple times that you had to stop yourself from rolling your eyes at the way they were gushing over it's large size, like that was the only thing that mattered.

When guests would ask you how Hux proposed, wanting to know all of the details, you had to lie, obviously. You couldn't exactly tell them the truth: Snoke threatened you with your life if you didn't agree to marry him. You ended up just saying something along the lines of, "It was a casual proposal but very romantic", wanting to keep the story as vague as possible so you could repeat it to whoever asked.

If the entire party itself wasn't uncomfortable enough, it didn't help matters that Snoke himself was actually physically in attendance. He never showed up in person to these parties, at least none that you'd been at in the past year. Every move you made, you could feel his intense eyes on you, making sure that you weren't fucking anything up. It was nerve wracking to say the least.

At one point, Snoke came up behind you with his fingers digging in your shoulders. "Congratulations." He said in a low voice, squeezing you before moving away from you and getting a drink from the bar.

As he parted away, he gave you a dark look that made Hux tense up, worried that you might speak your mind and embarrass him in front of his boss.

But you weren't able to say anything at all, being taken back by Snoke's attention. A shiver went down your spine at his contact but you tried not to show it, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of him affecting you in the way that he had. This entire situation was his fault, he was the one who forced the two of you to have this wedding. You hated how smug he was about it.

Now, you were standing by the bar with Hux's arm around your waist, holding you close to his side while he talked about potential venues for the wedding with a few people hanging around the two of you. You weren't listening, it didn't matter. The two of you would never make it to the altar.

Making eye contact with Hux, you frowned at the pale look that came over his face. "Are you fucking kidding me?" He asked, groaning and rolling his eyes. You almost didn't want to look, not wanting to see whatever was bothering him because that meant that you would also have to deal with it.

Then you heard commotion from the front of the restaurant and a familiar deep voice that caused the blood to drain from your face as well.

You whipped your head over your shoulder, making a groan similar to Hux's when you saw Kylo standing in the doorway of the venue with a few Knights behind him. You watched the way that he shook hands with the people who were approaching him, pulling some of the men into masculine hugs, patting their backs.

You supposed it wasn't a huge surprise that he showed up even though you specifically told him not to. It wouldn't be the first time that he put you in an awkward position in order to get one over on Hux. But you had been hopeful that he would've listened to you in this instance. You liked seeing him and knowing that he was there but at the same time, he was only going to cause trouble. You wanted this to go as well as possible so you could just get it over with and Kylo could go through with his plan to kill Hux.

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