Ch.9 - Terrified

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A/N: let me just say, this chapter...woowee...y'all better strap in. I can't wait to hear what you think!

    You were surprised that you were even able to physically get out of the plane after what you and Kylo had just did, you felt like your legs were jelly. You definitely weren't able to look the pilots in the eyes when you thanked them as you exited, that was for sure.

    Kylo had a car waiting for you two at the private lot in the back of the airport. Although you'd been around the life for a few years now, it still impressed you how easy everything came to him. He worked hard, you knew that. But you really were spoiled because you were involved with him and Hux.

    Once the two of you were situated in the back seats, the driver glanced behind him. He said the name of a hotel, clarifying that he was taking you to the right place. Of course, he was speaking directly to Kylo and not you. You couldn't really be offended, the amazed look on your face probably gave away the fact that you weren't the one who had earned all of this.

    Your mom wasn't in a hospital in the downtown part of the city but apparently that's where Kylo had decided you were going to stay. He let you know that she was just outside of it, it wouldn't be a long drive when you visited her tomorrow. You weren't complaining, you preferred being somewhere like this rather than a small suburb. It was what you were used to. You and Kylo were staying here for two days. Tonight you were planning on just sitting in the hotel, maybe getting room service...You weren't sure where Kylo fit into those plans.

    When the driver pulled up to the hotel, you gave Kylo a look that said, 'really?'. It was one of the fanciest hotels you'd ever seen. Of course this is where he decided to go. You pretended like you didn't love it. He rolled his eyes in response, he knew you were just pretending to be irritated.

    "Mr. and Mrs. Ren. Good afternoon. Your room is ready for you." The front desk worker at the hotel greeted you while sliding over the room keys.

    You froze, ready to correct him. But you felt Kylo's arm slide around your waist. "Perfect, thank you." He told him, letting him believe that the two of you were married. He was amused that you hated the sound of it.

    Keeping his arm around your waist, he turned you away from the front desk and started leading you towards the elevator.    

    "Wait, room? As in a singular room?" You plucked the room key holder away from his fingers and saw that indeed, there was only one key and only one room number written on the holder. "No, I want my own. I don't care if it's at a shitty hotel instead." You told him, handing him the key back.

    Kylo laughed and shook his head as the elevator doors closed. He kept his arm around your waist even when you tried to move away. "So let me get this straight. You had no problem with me shoving my cock down your throat, but sharing a hotel room with me is where you draw the line?"

    You didn't have anything to say to that, damn, he was right. The hotel room seemed more intimate somehow though, it was strange.

    Taking your silence as submission to stay in the room with him, he changed the subject. "I hope you brought a dress, maybe some heels." He said casually.

    You frowned, walking out of the now open elevator with him. "No...I didn't. Why would I?"

    "I'm taking you on a date." Kylo told you, sliding the key into the right door. Then he gave you a look that said, 'duh'.

    Kylo was making a phone call in the other room of the hotel while you rummaged through your suitcase. Pajamas...A other pair of pants...Nope, no dress or heels. Nothing even close. You sighed and sat on the couch. Maybe he could take you to McDonalds. That's all you had clothes for.

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