Ch.8- Please

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A/N: Okay folks, this chapter is a lot. There's some spiciness at the end as a reward for you but before that, you're going to find out about your past and it might be information overload. I tried to do it in a way that was easy to digest but there's really no simple way to explain a backstory like that. So maybe take a seat and relax, read it slowly, maybe re-read that part if it helps. There's also a few setting changes just for the sake of making this one long chapter instead of multiple short ones so I hope that doesn't get confusing either. Enjoy!

    You were sitting in the back of Hux's car with him once again, but unlike when you had arrived to dinner, Hux was now holding a napkin up to his bloody nose and groaning in pain.

    The fight between him and Kylo hadn't lasted long since there were so many people around to break it up. There hadn't been enough time for there to really be a winner or a loser but you knew that if Kylo hadn't been injured before, Hux would've looked worse off by the time that they were done. You also knew that the fight wasn't over and you weren't surprised if they finished it the second that they were in the same room again.

    It had been embarrassing for you, to say the least. Everyone was staring at you, asking if you were okay. They had been too nervous to ask Kylo or Hux those questions and really they had just been nosey.

    You knew that you weren't the only reason for the fight, the two men hated each other long before you even met them, but in that moment you had been the catalyst that caused the first punch to be thrown.        

    After Hux had landed the initial punch to his jaw, Kylo had practically leapt over the table and slammed Hux's nose against the same table. The men who were sitting next to them had tried holding them back but it took Kylo's loyal Knights to come over and really break the fight up.

    While a few of the Knights grabbed Kylo's arms and walked him outside so that he could calm down and not do any more damage, Kylo sent you a smug nod and a wink. You hated how wet it had made you.

    Although you knew how ruthless that Kylo had to be to have become the man in charge right under Snoke, you'd never seen him in action before. The look on his face as he fought Hux had managed to shock you. It was like he was attempting to completely destroy him. It was horrifying.

    As you replayed the scene in your mind, you also replayed what you had seen when Kylo was bent over you in your bathroom, carefully taking your makeup off and brushing your teeth for you. It was like two different people, you couldn't wrap your mind around it.

    You noticed Hux wince as he shifted in his seat and you looked over in concern. "Here, let me." You told him, offering to hold the napkin up to his nose so that he could rest his arms.

    He let you, sighing in relief as he relaxed into the seat of the car. You felt guilty that you had been a reason why he was hurt now. Seeing Hux get so worked up by just a few things that Kylo said to him, you couldn't imagine how hurt he would be if he found out what you'd done with Kylo. You shivered with guilt, trying to focus instead on holding your hand steady as the driver went over bumps.

    That night, you stayed with Hux at his house. He hadn't explicitly asked you to but the thought of returning home where you were only several feet away from the man who almost broke his nose, felt wrong.

    What you hadn't realized was that Kylo stood outside your door for almost ten minutes that night, knocking, hoping you would answer. Of course, you hadn't been there to do so.

    When you woke up the next morning in Hux's bed, you noticed that he was already gone for the day. You wondered what his nose looked like after a night's rest, if it were bruised or not.

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