Ch.12- Cowards

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Warnings: Violence and murder...  hehe.

Kylo spent the next couple of minutes that the two of you had alone in the club's private room, comforting you and bringing you back down to Earth. You sat on his lap, where you had been before everything that had just taken place with his Knights.

    He ran his fingers up and down your back, kissing you on your lips and your forehead, whispering to you how beautiful you were and how good of a job you did. You tried to picture this man being the same one who had just done all of those things to you in front of his men and you noted that the lines between his personalities were starting to blur. Before you had viewed him as two different people but now those people were starting to merge into one. Even in times when he had all of the control, like he just had, he was still gentle with you and now here he was, looking after you right before a mafia business deal instead of preparing for it, as if you were the only thing that mattered to him.

    You were overwhelmed by this feeling of affection for him, realizing this. In the back of your mind, you remembered how you'd be going home tomorrow and this would all be over. You took his hand into yours and squeezed it. "Kylo..." You muttered. You weren't even sure what you wanted to say but you were just feeling so much right now, it felt weird to keep it hidden in your thoughts.    

    He moved his dark eyes up to yours, "What is it?" He asked in a soft voice. You were close enough that you were able to hear him over the thumping music.

    You opened your mouth then closed it, you didn't know what to say.

    Before you could gather your thoughts, the Knights entered the room, this time with four new men behind them, the ones that were suppose to meet you there, you assumed.

    Kylo nodded to them in acknowledgment then looked back at you, giving you a chance to finish what you had started to say. The urge to do so was gone, the Knights were reminders of what your life was. It would be easier to not say anything at all. "Nothing." You said to him, averting your gaze down to his hand connected with yours.

    He paused, knowing that it wasn't 'nothing' from the look in your eyes. But now wasn't the time to press it. He nodded with a frown before pressing a quick kiss to your forehead.

    The new men were walking over to Kylo to greet him and you got the hint, moving from his lap into the spot next to him.

    The men stood with Kylo to shake his hand and greet him. You watched as the Knights took their spots on the couch. They were all acting as if nothing happened, as if they didn't all just jerk off onto your back. It hit you then, the reason why they had been casual about it was because it was far from the most depraved thing they'd done together as a group. Maybe they'd done something even worse earlier today, you wouldn't be surprised. You knew their reputation of being hedonistic when it came to everything; sex, violence, drugs, alcohol, spending money... It was one of the reasons that they were so loyal to Kylo. He was able to provide them with all of those things.

    You tried to be as casual as them, wanting to fit in. But it was much harder for you, this was far from what you were used to. It didn't make it easier when you locked eyes with Vicrul and he gave you a cocky smirk and a wink. Jesus, not only were you going to have to pretend nothing happened when you were reunited with Hux but you also were going to have to talk to Jessica like her boyfriend hadn't spanked you in front of an audience.

    Everyone was now settled onto the couch, introductions were over. You hadn't been formally introduced to the newest men into the room and that didn't matter much to you, the less of a trace you had back to this time and place, the better, you thought.

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