Ch.33 - Christmas

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What do you think?" You asked, crossing your arms across your chest and backing up so that you could look around and take it all in.

"It looks great." Vicrul assured you, putting a hand on your shoulder.

You, Vicrul, and Ushar had just spent the entire morning decorating your apartment with Christmas decorations. After Kylo told you that he had no memory of ever celebrating the holiday, you were determined to give him the best Christmas you possibly could.

You were so thankful that he opened up to you in the way that he had and told you all about his past and childhood. A few days had passed since that day, since the first time you said 'I love you' to each other and you felt closer to him with every moment you spent together since then.

You and Kylo were in love with each other and neither of you were afraid of it anymore.

Kylo was healing up really well from his gunshot wound but he still wasn't ready to leave the apartment. You and him went on walks throughout the building but other than that, he hadn't left the apartment complex. He was too nervous that an enemy would take advantage of his vulnerable state, it didn't happen often that Kylo Ren was weak.

"It looks like Santa's elves threw up all over the fucking place." Ushar called out from the kitchen, taking a big bite of the cookie in his hand.

You rolled your eyes, "That's sort of the point." You yelled back to him.

Vicrul laughed at Ushar's comment but squeezed your shoulder, "It really does look good in here, even Kylo might like it." He assured you.

You sent him a look. "It's not for Kylo, it's for me." You said defensively. You were so excited to surprise Kylo with a full day of holiday celebrations but you knew he'd be so embarrassed if his Knights knew that he was going to spend his day listening to Christmas music and opening presents with you.

Vicrul got the hint. He understood that Kylo was a lot softer with you than he was with anyone else and he tried not to acknowledge it, not wanting to embarrass his boss. "Right, well if Kylo were to hypothetically see it...He might like it?" He said cautiously, giving you a sheepish smile.

"Maybe." You agreed with him but you had a knowing look in your eyes. Both of you were fully aware that this was for Kylo, and for Kylo only,  but you were both choosing not to say it out loud.

"Need anything else?" Ushar asked, joining the two of you in the living room. He had his third beer of the afternoon in his hand, taking you seriously when you said to 'help yourself to anything in the fridge'.

You looked around, frowning in thought.

Originally, you sent a text to the two of them last night and asked if they'd help you out in the morning with picking a few things up from the store to get you into the holiday spirit. You really just wanted to buy a small tree with some ornaments, some wrapping paper for presents. But then Vicrul and Ushar got all excited and started putting lights all over the apartment and little decorations everywhere. It was very sweet, honestly.

"No, I think we're good. Thanks for helping." You told them, turning to face them.

You noticed the way that the two of them suddenly looked uncomfortable, sending each other small glances and trying to discreetly nudge each other. You raised your eyebrow, wondering what was up with them. They weren't exactly subtle.

"Go get it." You heard Ushar mutter, elbowing Vicrul's side.

"Ow, fuck, okay I got it." Vicurl pushed him back and listened to his directions, going towards his coat that was hanging from the entrance hook.

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