Ch.4 - Neighbors

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If you had learned anything since being around the mob, it was that they would take any little excuse to throw a party. Work hard, play harder.

Hux had told you that there was a welcome back party for Kylo when he first returned but that had been for just the guys. Tonight, they were having a party to celebrate having every member of the 'family' (as they called it) back in the same area. You weren't entirely sure what the difference was but you realized maybe this party wouldn't be filled with drugs and hookers like the last one had been. This time, you were invited. As well as other associates and people involved in the lower levels of the organization. It would be a slightly classier event.

"Can someone zip me?" You held your dress up as you walked out into your main living room. The 3 pairs of eyes that turned towards you belonged to Jessica, Lisa, and Isabel. They were each dating one of the guys who worked for Snoke.The four of you were having a drink together before heading to the party, as you usually did. You didn't know them extremely well. You really only saw them at events like this or if one of them asked to get lunch and go shopping with you. They were nice and fun to have around when you wanted to drink wine but you really had nothing in common with them.

Jessica motioned you over to them and when you were close enough, she zipped up the back of your dress. "You bitch. You always look so good." She said to you playfully.

You rolled your eyes as you adjusted yourself into your dress. It was a pretty blue color and was extremely flattering on you. "I'd feel bad for you if you weren't so beautiful." You told her with a laugh. Then, "Oh, did you still want to borrow those earrings?" You asked, remembering your conversation on the phone that you had earlier.

Jessica's face turned playfully smug, tucking her hair behind her ear to show off the earrings that she currently had on. "Actually, Vicrul just gave these to me before I headed over here." This caused the other women to perk up, wanting to get a peek at them.

These girls weren't always the girls you'd pregame with before a party. When it came to girlfriends, they rotated pretty frequently. Jessica was actually one of the newest editions to the friend group, she had just started dating Vicrul, one of the Knights of Ren, a few months ago.

"I saw on Instagram that he took you out of town for the weekend." Isabel grinned, leaning in to see the jewelry up close.

"Oh my god, yes, he surprised me with a trip a few hours away-" Jessica started talking but you zoned out. It wasn't that you didn't care about her romantic getaway, I mean you guess you sorta did? But really you just had some shit on your mind.

You poured yourself a glass of wine while your thoughts wandered to what had happened the day before when Kylo gave your school 25,000 fucking dollars in your name. Since then you'd received so many 'thank you' notes and emails from various staff, most of them letting you know that if you ever needed anything to contact them. It felt wrong, you had pretty much just bribed the entire college into giving you more connections and favors. But at the same worked so hard, you kind of thought you deserved it.

"Didn't you, (y/n)?" You heard Lisa ask you. Shit, you hadn't been listening.

"Sorry, what was that? I was spacing out." You said sheepishly.

"Didn't you go to that new restaurant a few streets over...what's it called? The Orchard or something?" At her question, you relaxed slightly. Good, you didn't miss anything too serious.

Before you could tell them that you thought the food was a little pretentious, there was a knock at the door. You raised your eyebrow. "Did you guys invite anyone else?" You lived on the top floor of an upscale apartment, it wasn't often that you had unwanted guests.

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