Ch. 26 - Discipline

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When  you woke up on Monday morning and thought to yourself, 'I want to get fucked', you meant by Kylo Ren, not by your art history exam.

    Sitting at your desk in class, your mind was blank. The questions on the test in front of you were completely foreign to you, you had never even heard of these artists or paintings that you were being questioned about. You glanced around the room, noticing the way that everyone was furiously writing away, focused. Clearly, you were alone in your struggles.

    You had taken a few days off from class (well, more than a few) after Hux had done what he had to your classmate Connor. But you had felt like you were caught up...It was becoming obvious to you now that you weren't. You had no idea what  you were doing.

    It  took you about thirty minutes to flip through the packet of pages and write down guesses for a few of the questions...the others were blank. Even if you somehow got the guesses correct, you would never be able to pass.

    You walked to the front of the class, handing the exam to your professor with a sheepish look before rushing out of the door, embarrassed.

    "That sucked." You mumbled to yourself with a sigh as you made your way outside of the building.

    Kylo had sent you a text while you were taking the exam to let you know that Vicrul would be taking you back to your apartment. You walked to class without a Knight escorting you and it upset Kylo, you knew you weren't supposed to go anywhere alone.

    You assumed that Vicrul was just going to walk back with you so when you saw him leaning against a shiny black motorcycle, parked on the curb next to the busy street, you stopped dead in your tracks.

    "Are you serious?" You asked but you couldn't help the slow grin that was making it's way onto  your face as you approached him. "Aren't we supposed to keep a low profile?"

    You glanced around and noticed how many people were staring. It wasn't every day that a man as gorgeous as Vicrul was just casually relaxing against a motorcycle, looking like a model. Especially not in front of a college campus filled with girls making eyes at him.

    "What? This is a low profile. I could've brought out my red one." Vicrul teased you, smirking. He was fully aware of the attention he was receiving and he loved it. All the Knights were cocky as hell, you were convinced they learned it from Kylo.

    You made your way over to him, in between groups of moving people who were gawking at Vicrul. "I shouldn't get on there with you, everyone's staring at us." You said in a hushed voice. Vicrul was there to make sure you got home safe but you were also running the risk of someone seeing you alone with a Knight, which was innocent in itself, but if Hux got a hold of that, he would know better.

    "I know." He grinned, "It's awesome, there's so many hot girls on your campus, I should pick you up more often." He said as he nodded to one fo them that was waving at him, flirting as she passed.

    "Jesus. Okay, fine." You sighed. The longer the two of you stood there, the more people that were going to notice. "Let's go." You told him.

    Vicrul gave you a sheepish look before reaching towards his seat and then he was holding a helmet out towards you. "I'm really sorry about this but..." He trailed off. Even though he didn't see anything wrong with wearing it, he knew you wouldn't want to, especially not if someone else was telling you to.

    "Oh, no." You shook your head, "Not for me."

    "You have to." He sighed, "Kylo told me you can't get on it without one."

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