Ch.1 - Weapon

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*DISCLAMER*: If you're reading this and think to yourself 'Hmm, this isn't the Kylo I know and love', please bear with me and keep reading. Due to the setting/situation that our characters are in this first chapter, Kylo can't exactly call you a whore and take you to pound-town. But believe me, he is very much classic Kylo in the upcoming chapters. Personally, I think this is accurate of who he is but it depends on what you're expecting. Ok bye, enjoy :)

**Also, there are specific artists referenced at one point during the story. If you aren't familiar with them, don't worry, the specifics aren't an important part of the plot.

You're staring at yourself in the mirror. Except it doesn't look exactly like you. Some parts are a little off, maybe borrowed from someone else. The room is red, everything is red and it hurts your eyes. A crown appears on your head, blood drips down from the parts of the metal that touch your skin, it's piercing you, piercing your skin but it doesn't hurt...Black gloves come from behind you, touching the crown, but you can't pull away from your reflection to see who it is, you almost don't want to the gloves take the crown from your head, your scalp comes with it. Your brain is exposed. You look beautiful.

Your paintbrush swept across the canvas. 


The color you imagine your blood looks like...dripping from the crown.

You never had a plan for what the painting would turn out to be. That was the best part. You could turn your brain off and pretend to be anywhere else in the world than where you were in that moment. It was an escape, a place where you could let out all of your inner emotions and desires...

Your phone ringing snapped you out of this make believe world and it caused you to sigh, you weren't ready to leave.

You looked down at your phone and saw the name on the screen, 'Armie'. You were probably the only person who had ever called him that, maybe the only person besides his mother to call him something other than 'Hux'. You weren't exactly sure why he allowed you to do so but it did give you a sense of satisfaction that you were able to do something that someone else would get their ass beat over.

You picked up the phone, cussing under your breath when you left behind some paint on your screen that you hadn't realized was on your thumb. Red.

"Hi." You said, adjusting so that the phone was balancing between your cheek and shoulder, wiping off the rest of the excess paint on a dirty rag, the red paint getting on your cheek from the screen.

"Hi, Honey." Hux replied, he sounded distracted. 'Honey' is what he often called you and the only time it didn't make you want to roll your eyes was when you were in a good mood. It wasn't that you didn't like him using a pet name but it was just so...impersonal. You called waitresses honey, not your sexy girlfriend, you thought. "What are you up to?" He asked.

Now that your hands were clean, you were able to take the phone in your hand and hold it up to your ear that way. "I'm in the art studio..." You trailed off, trying to clip the irritation in your voice. Of course that was where you were, it was a week day and he knew you weren't done with school until 3. Your schedule didn't change much.

"Right, of course." He replied smoothly, as if he didn't forget, "I have plans for us tonight."

You couldn't help but smirk a little at that. You did like when he had plans. It usually meant something expensive. "Yeah?" You asked simply, wanting him to continue.

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