Ch. 7 - Tension

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If you thought you looked good in the dress Kylo bought you before, now that you had your hair and make up done and put on your jewelry and heels, you looked amazing.

    Really, it was almost upsetting how he had picked out a dress that looked so perfect on you. As if he knew exactly how it was going to hug your body. He seemed to know everything, didn't he?

It was a shame that you had to cover the dress with a light jacket, it was starting to get cold out. You knew you'd take it off right when you got to the restaurant anyways.

    You settled into the back seat of Hux's car. Just as you had suspected, he acted as if the two of you never got into that argument the day before. You didn't care enough to bring it up, it had been stupid anyways.

    "Hi, honey." He said to you, leaning over to give you a brief kiss on the lips.

    You kissed back and chuckled at him when you pulled away. "That's a good color on you." You teased him, pointing at the lip gloss that you had left behind on his lips with your fingers.

    "Dammit." He mumbled, wiping it away. He wasn't laughing like you were. You knew that it probably had made him nervous, he was probably picturing himself walking into this dinner with sparkly lips for all of the other men to laugh at.

    "I got it, don't worry." You told him with a frown. You pulled out a tissue from your purse (you were always prepared) and wiped away the rest of it. You realized in that moment, a big separation between you and Hux was his inability to laugh at himself. He was always so serious.

    It was silent for a while after that besides his driver looking over his shoulder to confirm which restaurant that he was driving the two of you to.

    "Did you get my flowers?" Hux asked you proudly. Your stomach twisted. His gift had seemed so small and meaningless compared to the one that Kylo left for you. You had almost forgot that he had even given you anything.

    You smiled and nodded. You were good at hiding it. "I did. They were beautiful. They look so good on my living room table." You told him. You grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze. "Thank you." It was your way of saying you were choosing to forget the argument.

    He smiled in relief, glad that he didn't have to worry about talking the issue through with you. "I'm glad you like them."

    And honestly, you did like them. You just liked Kylo's dress more.

    When you two arrived to the restaurant, you were stopped by the hostess who offered to take and hang up your jackets for you. You obliged, shrugging the coat off of your shoulders and handing it over to her.

    Glancing at Hux, you thought that his eyes were going to pop out of his skull. You realized he was reacting to seeing you in such a revealing dress. You were far from a prude otherwise but the bright color matched with how tight and low it was, was not what he had been expecting. 

    "What?" You asked innocently, grinning, "Do I have something on my face?"

    He was speechless but slowly shook his head. "No...I just, um, I haven't seen that dress before." He stammered.

    "It's new. I bought it the other day." You lied to him. It was easier to lie to him than you thought it would be.

    As the hostess walked away with the both of your coats, Hux came in closer to you. "You look amazing in it." He said to you and by the look on his face you could tell he really meant it. You noticed that the fair skin on his cheeks was beat red, as if he was getting himself ready for the attention the two of you were about to bring in when you walked into the room with the rest of the attendees.

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