Ch. 46 - Spoiled

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(WARNINGS: Okay guys. It's one of those chapters. We have degradation/humiliation, exhibitionism, and a threesome. Just like the other chapters where the knights are involved, this is ridiculous and unrealistic but it's just fan fiction and it's all for fun. If it's not your thing, feel free to skip to the next chapter. This is pure smut. Stay hydrated and get comfy.)

    All throughout your relationship with Kylo, even when it was casual and you hardly even liked each other, it was always difficult for the two of you to communicate.

You both felt so much and sometimes it wasn't easy to say how you felt out loud. You were so much better at showing it.

So now, with Kylo drunk off of his hunger for power and the several drinks flowing through his veins, he wanted to communicate with you and his knights the only way he knew how: with action.

Kylo wanted to remind you that you were his and that you could trust him. He'd give you everything you'd ever wanted, even if it was shameful. He'd protect you and keep you safe. Kylo wanted you to remember that there was no better place to be than in his arms, as his girl.

Kylo also wanted his knights to remember that it didn't matter that you and him spent time apart. You still belonged to him, maybe more now than ever. You would always be his. Their interactions with you only existed if he allowed them to. Everything led back to Kylo's discretion and him giving permission. Kylo was in charge.

    Kylo's words hung in the air. The deep resonance of it floating in the atmosphere like a threatening haze: "Get on the bed with her."

    You were nervous to look away from him but you were able to tear your eyes away from the back of his broad shoulders and focus on Vicrul's expression.

    Vicrul was looking at you, eyebrows furrowed in confusion and an obviously uneasy look in his eyes. "The bed?" He asked again, wanting to make sure that he heard him right before he did something so bold.

Kylo would've laughed at Vicrul's surprise if he wasn't so determined to put on a tough guy front right now. "The fucking bed. Did all of that Italian wine fuck up your ears?" He hissed, tossing his suit jacket onto the chair beside him.

The knights, who were relaxing around various parts of the room, all laughed at that.

You averted your gaze from Vicrul now, feeling guilty that he was currently the butt of the joke that everyone was in on besides the two of you. Your hands smoothed over the expensive fabric of your dress. You felt like you could hear your heart beating.

As Vicrul approached the bed and sat on the opposite end of it, you noticed that Kylo was following behind him, loud footsteps echoing. Vicrul was pretty far from you, both of you on separate corners of the large king-sized bed.

Out of your peripheral vision, you were able to see Kylo approaching you, shoes on the marble. When he got to you, he bent over and put both hands on the mattress, one on each side of you, and lowered so that his mouth was near your ear.

"Are you okay with this?" He asked, quiet enough so that you were the only one able to hear him. As he spoke, you could feel the way his lips brushed against your skin, so close to you.

Okay with what? You weren't sure what he had planned. But you trusted him, as much as it scared you to do so after everything you've been through. "I think so." You murmured, keeping your eyes down so that you weren't looking at any of the men around you.

Kylo hummed softly, and his hands slowly moved from the bed to your thighs, gently holding them there. "If you say our word, our safe word, I'll shut it down and send them home. I'll get us dessert from room service and stay in bed with you all night. If you're embarrassed to say it in front of them, you just need to squeeze my hand twice, and it's over. Do you understand?"

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