Ch.40 - The Gift

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   This flash drive.

This stupid fucking flash drive.

You wanted to throw it against the wall, maybe flush it down the toilet. That dumb little piece of plastic was supposed to change your life.

You spent a few hours going through all of the information. It held fake documents on it, things like your new birth certificate and driver's license. There was a long list of facts about your new identity, where you grew up, previous job experience with references, your made-up parent's names...It was all so overwhelming.

All of these important facts were going in one ear and out of the other. You decided you wouldn't need to absorb any of it...

You'd never use it. You were going to get Kylo back.

You didn't need this new identity. You wanted yours.

You were sitting in a chair next to the window, staring at the way the wind was blowing through the trees, the way an occasional car would roll by on the quiet street across from the motel.

A night had passed since talking to Luke. The call was supposed to reassure you but it just made you feel emptier than before. You could hardly sleep, your mind was too preoccupied with all of the new information you were given. It didn't help that Ushar and Vicrul had been snoring loudly in your ears the entire time, insisting on staying in bed with you again.

You were on edge, thinking through all of the ways that you could get back home. It wouldn't be easy.

Glancing over your shoulder, you noticed the way that Ushar was drinking a beer, watching some basketball game on TV, occasionally shouting when a good or bad play was made. Vicrul was laying back in bed, flipping through a magazine, grunting every time Ushar yelled too loud and pulled him out of his concentration.

The two men were upset by this situation, they didn't like seeing you so sad and they didn't want to say goodbye to you either. It didn't help that they knew how insufferable Kylo would be when they returned. If their boss was in a bad mood, it wasn't good news for them, to say the least. He was going to be such an ass to them from now on without you by his side to keep him stable.

Vicrul was trying to spend his time distracting himself. But it really didn't stop him from worrying about you. You swore he asked you if you were okay over 50 times since you woke up that morning. You weren't sure if you had ever seen him even read anything before but every time that there was a moment of silence, he was flipping through a newspaper or a magazine, materials he picked up from the drug store down the street. He hated thinking about you leaving.

Meanwhile, Ushar was trying to make himself feel better by drinking and deflecting with humor. You didn't blame him.

"How's it going?" Vicrul asked you, glancing over at you, eyes darting between you and the page he had open, in the process of flipping it over.

You didn't tear your eyes away from the window. "Fine." You answered. The same way you answered him for the past couple of hours. You weren't fine. You weren't sure what you felt. Your mind was only focused on one thing: a way out.

Vicrul made a noise to let you know he heard you, even if he didn't verbally respond. There was nothing he could say to you. He knew it wasn't fine but how would he be able to help? He couldn't.

Kylo told you so many times, in so many ways, that you needed to listen to his plan. It was clear that he didn't want you to come back to him, he didn't want you to fuck up all of the schemes he spent so much time putting together.

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