Ch.28 - The Decision

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The night before had been emotionally exhausting.

    All you wanted to do was lay in bed with Kylo and maybe watch a movie and most definitely have sex with him.

    But instead, you were sitting on the edge of his bed, legs dangling, as you watched him pack belongings into  a duffel bag.

    A few hours ago while you two were sleeping in his bed, early in the morning, Kylo got a call from Snoke who told him that he needed to meet with a business partner a few hours away. He'd be gone until tomorrow morning.

    "What about your phone charger? Do you have one packed?" You asked, eyes glancing at his nightstand to see if it was still plugged in.

    "Yes." Kylo said, putting some clothes into a garment bag, zipping it up.

    You hopped off from the bed, "Pajamas?" You asked, glancing into his open bag, trying to see if he grabbed some already. "You might want to bring a sweatshirt...Like if the hotel room is cold or something."

    "Stop it, you're getting all worked up." He warned you, sighing, "I can handle this. This isn't the first time I've left the city. I think I know how to pack a bag." He said with an amused smirk.

    You frowned, looking up at him. He was able to sense your nerves and he bent down, kissing you gently. "What's wrong?" He asked you, a thumb brushing against your cheek.

    You looked away from him, nervous under his concentrated stare. "I just worry about you...whenever you leave." You admitted, "The other night you were gone for what? Only three hours? And you came back with a stab wound." You said, motioning towards his side where he had been injured during that wedding.

    Kylo huffed out a laugh at that, he couldn't argue with that statement. When you didn't join in his laughter, he inhaled then suddenly he was picking you up causing you to finally let out a laugh in surprise.

    He moved back to his bed, taking a seat on the edge where  you had just been, and set you onto his lap. Kylo's arms went around your waist, pulling you in closer to him. "I know it isn't easy." His voice was smooth, calming you down, "But I can't promise you anything. I can't promise that I'll be okay." He kissed the top of your head.

    Your fingers ran along his hands that were against you to hold you in place. "I don't expect you to, I know this is how it has to be." You told him, your tone was sad.

    Kylo said nothing, thinking about it. His thumbs rubbed in a soothing motion. Finally then, he spoke, realizing, "Before I met you, I was never scared  to go on these deals."

    You blinked, "You're scared right now?"

    He didn't answer at first, wondering himself if that was actually what he was feeling. "Not...scared." He decided. "But I'm nervous" He admitted, he couldn't look at you, looking ahead instead.

    You were surprised he was sharing this with you, letting himself admit to being vulnerable. "Why?" You asked, you wanted to hear more.

    Kylo's jaw moved, clenched, frustrated that he didn't really know how to explain it. "For the first time I finally have something to come back home to." He said in a soft voice, squeezing at you as he did so. "I'm nervous..." He trailed off, "I'm nervous that I won't have that anymore." Is how he worded it, not even wanting to say out loud that he was nervous he could get killed.

    You felt like your heart was going to explode. You had so much power over Kylo and it always took you by surprise to hear it from him. You reached a hand up to touch his cheek and when he turned so he could look over at you, you kissed him.

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