Ch.18 - Give In

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You always told yourself that you preferred to sleep alone. You had more room, no one to bother you, and you could wake up whenever you wanted the next day.

But not having Kylo in bed next to you when you woke up really fucking sucked.

It put you in the bad mood that entire morning.

Even when Hux made a surprise visit to bring you breakfast from your favorite restaurant, it only brought you temporary happiness. Once the food was gone, you were grumpier than ever. And really, the last thing you wanted to do was spend time with Hux. He was just a reminder of all of your current problems.

The two of you were sitting at your kitchen table, empty plates in front of you while you both did some work. He was typing away on his phone and making calls while you were on your laptop, finishing up some homework. He hardly ever did mafia work in front of you, you noticed.

Hux was speaking in a hushed voice on the phone, his face contorted in irritation has he did so. Hanging up his current call, his slammed a fist against your table in frustration. Clearly, it did not go well.

The impact of his hand against the table made you gasp in surprise, you were still jumpy after what happened to you.You caught your breath with a frown, him startling you just irritated you more.

"Really?" You asked him with a sigh, rolling your eyes at his outburst.

Hux's look mirrored yours. "Yes, really. You have no idea what I have to deal with on a daily basis." He snapped. In Hux's mind, you lived the easiest life possible. You went to school then went home and that was it. You didn't have to worry about finances or serious things like he did with the mafia. He had no idea what really went on in your time away from him.

You had to bite the inside of your cheek to keep from laughing at that. After spending time with Kylo, you did have an idea what he probably had to go through everyday. Clearly, Hux was gaining more responsibilities in the mob recently and he was letting them distract him. He didn't come see you as often as before and he was constantly on edge. He couldn't handle it the way that Kylo did. He had to work for it, it wasn't natural.

"Why don't you tell me then?" You said to him in a slightly sarcastic tone.

He was staring daggers at you. You were pushing his buttons and you both knew it. "You know I can't tell you anything. And besides, you wouldn't understand." He said to you dismissively, his fingers going right back to typing something out on his phone.

You paused with your own typing at those words, staring at him from over your laptop's screen. "I wouldn't understand?" You asked him, giving him the chance to clarify his statement. He had no idea the things you'd seen and done when you weren't with him. You would understand.

Hux didn't realize the implications of it. "Well, it's just complicated." He told you, his eyes not leaving his screen.

You shut your computer screen, eyebrows raised in contempt. "You think I'm stupid." You said it as a statement, not a question. Kylo told you how smart you were, you remembered.

Hux now saw what you were upset about. He set his phone down cautiously. He gave you a sheepish smile. "I know you aren't stupid, honey, you're really good at what you do." He motioned to your computer. "But you know, art is different than this," He motioned to his phone.

The way he said 'art' said everything you needed to know. He looked down at you, you would never be his equal. You let out a humorless chuckle, standing up from your chair. You weren't in the mood. "I think you should leave." You said to him, starting to gather up the plates and napkins you'd both left behind on the table.

Money Power Glory [Mafia Kylo Ren AU]Where stories live. Discover now