Ch.31- Almost

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It all happened so fast.

    You had been initially surprised when Kylo pulled the trigger first. Using a gun in a public place, even if it was loud in the club and you were in the private room by yourselves, was never the ideal thing to do.

    But then seeing Kylo crumple to the floor, a blood stain quickly collecting on the white material of his shirt, put you into complete shock.

    You couldn't move at first, a statue in the midst of all of the chaos. You stared at Kylo, not believing it, allowing one of the Knights to grab you and move you behind him, shielding you as everyone started shooting at each other, protecting you. You didn't even register which of the Knights that it was. You only had one thing on your mind: Kylo.

    You weren't sure how much time had passed until all of the men who had been there to complete the transaction, were dead on the floor and the Knight that was holding you back let you go because there was no threat left.

    Instantly, you went right over to Kylo, collapsing on the ground next to him, "Kylo." You breathed, taking your head into your hands as you stared down at him.

    The Knights were all scrambling around the two of you, getting together the workers who witnessed it all and cleaning up what they could. A few of them left to get the car ready for Kylo, knowing that they needed to act quickly.

    Kylo's eyes were fluttering open and closed and you took in the way that his breathing was shaky, not in a clear rhythm. "I got shot. He shot me." He said to you, in just as much shock as you were currently. This deal wasn't supposed to go like this, it should've been so easy.

    "Yeah." You agreed with him, letting tears fill your eyes now that reality was setting in. Kylo got shot. "You're okay, though. Everything's okay, Kylo." You tried to assure him.

    Your eyes went down to the blood on his shirt and you felt like you were going to get sick when you saw how much of it that there was. You made sure not to show it on your face, not wanting to worry him. Without disturbing where he'd been shot and causing him any pain, you lifted his suit jacket, trying to see how much it had actually damaged him. You were no doctor but it didn't look good.

    After saying the words out loud, that he was shot, you noticed the way that Kylo started panicking. The fear of the situation was setting in: he might be dying. He was breathing heavier now, hyperventilating and attempting to move into a sitting position so that he could look at the wound.

    It made you start to cry, not just because you were scared that he might not be okay but because you were seeing him in such a vulnerable position. You'd seen him nervous before, maybe even afraid, but you'd never seen him like this. It hurt your heart and it made this so much harder. But you knew you needed to step up, he needed you right now.

    "Kylo," You gripped his face slightly tighter, keeping him on the ground so he couldn't see how bad it was, "I know it hurts but you'll be fine, we're going to fix this, okay?" You told him, trying to assure yourself with your own words. 

    Kylo was still squirming underneath you, trying to adjust to the pain and trying to calm himself down. This was not how he wanted to die. He didn't want to die at all...he wasn't ready to leave you yet.

"The car's here, the path to the back door is cleared out." You heard a voice come from behind you, Trudgen. "We gotta get him up." He told you, motioning for you to move away from him so that they were able to get to him.

You nodded, stealing one last glance at him before starting to move to your feet, you didn't have time to hesitate.

Kylo's weak hand searched for you, gripping your arm. You could feel him shaking against you. "Don't go." He begged, coughing slightly as he did so. His eyes were on yours, eyebrows knitting together in pain and desperation. "Please."

Money Power Glory [Mafia Kylo Ren AU]Where stories live. Discover now