Ch. 47 - The Sea

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(This amazing portrait of MPG Kylo was done by @ Hannursolo on tiktok

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(This amazing portrait of MPG Kylo was done by @ Hannursolo on tiktok. Go follow her! The talent is insane!!! <3)


It would be correct to say that Kylo was asleep, but it would be incorrect to say that he was resting.

While laying on top of the soft, clean sheets, tangled up in your legs and the plush blankets, Kylo should have been having the best sleep of his life.

The two of you had a long day (after what happened with the knights) and had a few drinks before bed that relaxed both of you enough to pass out before meaning to. One of the doors leading to the balcony was slightly parted, letting in the cool breeze and calming sound of the waves rushing against the shore below. It was an almost cliche look at a relaxing night's sleep.

But regardless of the circumstances, right now, Kylo was sweaty and squirming and making noises of discomfort: He was having a nightmare.

It was a familiar feeling to wake up to Kylo's arms around you.

But it wasn't familiar to wake up to Kylo's arms around you and the sounds of muffled sobs to accompany it.

You blinked as you attempted to comprehend what was going on, backing up in hopes to see him better in the dark room. "Kylo?" You murmured in concern.

He didn't respond to you because he was still asleep, disturbing images flashing through his brain in quick succession, not giving him a break to recover from the one before it as he encountered each of them.

"Kylo." You repeated, this time a little more forceful as you comprehended that you needed to wake him up. You nudged his chest, "Wake up." You added, pushing at his shoulder now in an attempt.

Kylo stirred more violently in his sleep now, beginning to wake up but still stuck in the world in his mind. He grunted, pushing you away slightly before his eyes snapped open, searching around wildly.

You were watching him cautiously, giving him some space as he comprehended what was going on and that whatever he'd just experienced wasn't real. As you looked at him from the dim light coming from the sun beginning to rise, you were able to see how terrified he looked.

Kylo's chest was rising and falling heavily while his hands gripped at the sheets below him. You were able to see the thin sheen of sweat that covered his skin, his bottom lip trembling as he continued to look around. When his eyes landed on you he physically relaxed as his surroundings dawned on him.

Just a dream.

Before you had time to ask if he was okay or anything similar to that, Kylo was reaching out to you and pulling you tightly against his chest as he laid back down against the mattress. You allowed him to do this, putting a hand on his chest so that you could rub soothing circles on his skin.

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