Ch.44 - Vacation

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(A/N: Hi! I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who's stuck with this story even when it was frustrating and crazy! All about trusting the process, right? I know that a lot of you feel anxious when reading because you aren't sure what's going to happen next but you have nothing to worry about in this chapter. I missed you and Kylo being together so it's just a short and sweet one now that you're reunited. Take a deep breath, relax and enjoy it, please! You deserve it!)

    This wasn't the first time you'd gotten on a plane with Kylo. It also wasn't the first time you'd gotten on a plane with Kylo and his knights. But this was the first time you'd ever gotten on a plane to go to a different country to hide from a mob boss after killing your ex-boyfriend, with Kylo and his knights. That was for sure.

    It was supposed to be a surprise, where you were going. You had tried your best to get it out of Kylo but throughout the night, he kept smirking and kissing your forehead and telling you to be patient for him.

    But all it took was a few wide-eyed looks at Ushar and 'please's to get him to slip up and tell you that you and Kylo and the rest of the knights were headed to Italy for the next couple of weeks.

    You'd never been out of the country before, you hardly even left your hometown. Despite all of the dangerous circumstances, you were excited to spend this time with Kylo after being apart from him and the fact that you were technically going on vacation wasn't all too bad either.

    You sat in one of the seats on the plane, an empty one beside you for Kylo when he was done talking with the pilot. The private plane was bigger than you'd been on in the past with him because all of the knights were here this time and the flight was a lot longer. It always made you feel important, no matter how many times you were able to experience the luxury the mafia provided.

    "You look pretty good for a zombie," Kuruk smirked at you as he secured one of his bags before sitting down in his seat, stretching his arms over his head, inadvertently flexing his muscles as he did so.

    You couldn't help but laugh a little at that. You had almost forgotten that the knights had previously thought you were dead (besides Vic and Ushar, of course). Kylo must've done a good job convincing them that it was the case.

    You heard Kylo call them on the phone the night before and tell them about the plan, while also being as vague as possible. He simply told each of them that they needed to pack a bag and be ready by noon.

    When the knights saw you getting on the plane with Kylo, their eyes had practically popped out of their heads. It suddenly made sense to them now, why Kylo had been in a much better mood than he'd been recently, on the phone.

    "Looking really good, actually," Ap'lek added, leaning forward in his seat so that he could get a better look at you. "I bet it's that 'reunited with your man' glow." He teased you, using a higher-pitched voice than his own while he did so to playfully mock you.

    "It is." You chuckled, knowing you couldn't even argue with that if you tried. You weren't sure how good you actually looked but it did feel like you were glowing, being around Kylo again.

    As if on cue, Kylo began walking down the aisle of the plane, eyebrows raised in his men's direction as he got closer. In his hand, he had a glass of bubbly liquid, after getting it offered to him from staff near the cockpit. Champagne wasn't his favorite but he knew you liked it so he accepted it from them, intending to give it to you.

"Stop looking at her like that. Fucking perverts." Kylo accused the men in an irritated tone, watching the way his knights looked you up and down. He was always scary when he allowed himself to be commanding, his threats were never just that, they were always promises.

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