Ch.23- Leave

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That was by far the most fucked up sleepover you'd ever been involved in.

    The Knights had passed out almost instantly in the living room when Kylo left them alone, feeling exhausted from everything that took place that night. Drugs and sex included.

    You were tired too but seeing how Kylo was in 'taking care of you' mode, you decided you could stay awake. You loved when he was like this, gentle and attentive.

    Kylo made his way to his bathroom, still holding you in his arms as he started running his bathwater. He set you onto the counter and you giggled slightly at that, feeling stupid sitting up there, like a little kid.

    Despite himself, he grinned at your reaction and leaned down so that he could kiss you.

    As Kylo lowered you into the bathtub, you let out a satisfied sigh, feeling the warm water around your body. He didn't have bubbles or girly smelling soap like you did at your apartment but you would take it.

    "Can I join you?" Kylo asked you with a smirk, looking down at you.

    He expected you to brush him off or tell him that he was too big to get in with you but instead you looked up at him with wide eyes. "Please do." You requested, wanting him close to you.

    Kylo swallowed hard at that, feeling his heart speed up. He wasn't sure if he'd ever get used to you being openly affectionate with him like this. He just wasn't familiar with someone wanting to be close to him, wanting him by their side. He could deny it all he wanted, he knew that he loved it, regardless of how nervous it made him.

    He took his clothes off and slowly lowered himself into the bath with you.

    You laughed at the way the water rose up to the top of the tub with how much space he took up and then moved so that you could lay your back against his chest, settled in between his legs. He barely fit, he had to move his legs up, his knees out of the water. But he didn't mind.

    The two of you sat in a comfortable silence for a while, loving how calming this felt.

    Your mind started wandering, "That time..." You trailed off, running your fingers along the surface of the water to distract yourself.

    You stopped talking, deciding you didn't want to do this right now.

    Kylo frowned and tried to look at you from his position but it was hard since he was behind you. "What is it, princess?" He asked you softly.

    You took a deep breath. "There was that time when you tried to hurt me, you tried to push me away. When we got back from that trip and we were in the shower together and you said all those lies to me..."

    He tensed underneath you, he hated to think about it.

    "You said something...about how if you cared about me, you wouldn't even let your Knights look at me..." You briefly glanced back at him, nervous. "Was that a lie?" If he really meant it, that meant that he still didn't care about you after what the four of you did tonight.

    Kylo was caught off guard and he was scared to answer you. He averted his eyes from your gaze. If he told the truth it would mean that he was saying he cared about you. And although it was clear at this point that he did care about you, that didn't mean it was easy for him to admit.

    He didn't say anything for a long time and you took that as an admission of guilt.

    You moved so that you could start to stand up, wanting out from the bathtub and away from him.

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