Ch.17 - Who Cares?

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It had been three nights since you'd been assaulted in that alleyway.

    And Kylo had snuck over to sleep in bed with you, all three of those nights since it happened.

    Waking up to him tangled up in your blankets with you was still so surprising. He looked so peaceful when his eyes were closed and he was gripping one of your extra pillows to his chest, his dark hair splayed against his pillowcase. You wondered what he dreamed about.

    You also wondered if he could sense his flash drive in the table next to him, his own belonging that you were hiding for your own gain.

    You woke up this particular morning with an uneasiness in your stomach. It was time for you to go back to class and that meant facing the reality of what you'd done. Since you found out about Connor, the man who Hux had killed because of your stupidity, you had been making excuses as to why you couldn't show up. Your professors were starting to get suspicious and you knew you couldn't hide forever.

    You glanced at the time, it was a lot earlier than you were used to waking up but your nerves were keeping you from falling back asleep. You carefully got out of bed, making sure you didn't wake Kylo as you did so.

    He told you that he was spending the night with you so much because he wanted to make sure you were doing okay with your concussion. But if that were the only reason why he was staying over, that didn't explain why he'd hold you so close to him when you'd wake up with a nightmare. Or kiss your forehead when he knew you'd fallen asleep before him. Or bring you coffee in bed. Or fuck you the gentle way he had been...

    It had startled you the first time he stayed over. It was around one in the morning when you heard the knock at your door. You were barely awake when you opened it and when you saw Kylo standing there, you were convinced that you were in a dream. He told you that he wanted to stay with you to make are you slept through the night okay. The two nights following, you left him an extra key so that he could come in late again, when he was done with work, without waking you.

    You supposed the reason why you were letting him do these things was because he hadn't just told you those words in the shower were lies, he was showing you that they were. Clearly, at this point, he cared about you, whether he liked it or not.

    You shuffled into your kitchen, starting up your coffee machine with a sigh. You flexed your ankle, testing it out. It had healed up pretty quickly. It still hurt if you positioned it in a weird way or if you did a lot of walking on it. But for the most part, you felt back to normal.

    You tried not to think about the man himself who had done it to you. You hated knowing how helpless you had been before Kylo found you. What if he hadn't heard you yell for help? You shivered at the thought.

    Soon, you were sitting on your couch with a cup of coffee in your hand as you browsed through your social media on your phone. You pulled down your notifications bar and saw an unread text from Hux from the night before. It had just been him telling you 'goodnight'.

    You felt so distant from him lately. You knew a majority of that came from your infidelity but you could also see a change in him too. It was as if he was becoming consumed by the mafia, turning into someone else, it was all he could think about and talk about. It didn't help that the more distant Hux got, the closer Kylo got to you.

    Hux had stopped by the morning after you'd gotten hurt, like he promised he would (good thing Kylo wakes up so early because he was gone by the time your boyfriend showed up). He brought you gifts, sat with you for a few hours to make sure you were okay. It was nice. But it was different from Kylo. Hux did it because he knew it was what he was supposed to do. Kylo just wanted to, it hadn't even been a question in his mind.

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