Ch.27- Prove It

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Falling asleep against Kylo's chest while he read your textbook out loud to you had been like heaven. He was a mob boss and he was soft for you. He protected you and took care of you, it was all so unreal.

And too good to be true.

You and Kylo had done such a good job hiding.

Until now.

"Are you home?" Hux's voice rang out through your apartment, muffled by the sound of your front door. Theoretically, you could've lied to him. But where could you say you were? It was all happening so fast.

    You and Kylo weren't even thinking,  you were just reacting.

    Kylo quickly moved from behind you, jumping onto his feet and springing into action. He grabbed his shoes that were sitting on the floor in front of your bed, eyes wildly scanning your room to figure out where he needed to go.

    "Closet." You hissed at him, pointing to the closet door.

    Hux started knocking again.

    "One second!" You  called out to him, "I'm coming!" You assured him, trying to hide the panic in your voice.

    "Not there, are you fucking kidding me?" Kylo shook his head at you. He was fully aware of how much bigger he was than the space in your closet, he would be so uncomfortable and he wasn't sure if he could sit still in a cramped space quietly enough  to not give himself away.

    You tried to think of another option. Your bathroom? It would be more comfortable for him but what if Hux asked to use it?

    "Please." You pleaded, trying to hold yourself together even though you  were so scared.

    He glared at you. He knew that's what he had to do, it was his only option, but he felt so stupid, hiding away in his own girl's closet just so your boyfriend wouldn't find him. "Get him out of here quick." He said, barely a whisper he was so quiet.

    You watched as Kylo silently opened your closet door and crouched inside, squeezing up against the wall, shoes in hand. If it was any other situation it might be funny to you. But then you saw the anxious, almost sad look in his eyes. And heard Hux yell out 'okay' to you and the humor was instantly lost. This was a matter of life or death, regardless of how  dramatic that sounded.

    You two shared one last, brief glance at each other before you shut the closet door quietly, hiding him. There was something in that look that you two had just shared, a wordless realization.

This could be it.

That moment, before the door was shut on him, could've been the last moment you two were together in the way you were growing familiar with.

If Hux found out that Kylo was here, it would change everything.

You tried not to think of it as you made your way to your front door, heart thumping out of your chest. You took one last scan of your apartment, trying to see if there were any pieces of evidence you forgot about.

Deeming it acceptable, you hesitantly opened your front door. "Hi." You greeted Hux, "Sorry, I was taking a nap." You explained to him. That was the truth, at least. You just hadn't been alone in doing so.

    Hux said nothing, instead he walked into your apartment, pushing you slightly with his shoulder as he did so in order to move around you in the doorway. "We need to talk."

    You felt like you were going to be sick. "Okay." You  said to him, trying to sound casual, like alarms weren't going off  in your mind that something bad was going to happen.

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