Ch.30- Distraction

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Usually, you hated mornings. But not this one.

When you woke up, Kylo had been in the shower and you took this opportunity to surprise him with breakfast. You knew how much he liked it, even if he pretended he didn't like being taken care of.

You had just been pouring cups of coffee for the both of you when you felt Kylo's arms snake around your waist, his lips at the back of your neck.

And now your back was on top of the kitchen table, ass positioned on the edge of it, laying down and moaning. Kylo had his knees on the floor with his head between your thighs, eating you out.

"You like that, princess?" He breathed against your wetness, tongue flicking out between his lips to lap against your clit.

Your back arched against the wood of the table top, hands finding their way into Kylo's wet hair from the shower. "I do. You know I do." You whined at the feeling.

Kylo hummed, smirking, "Do you want it faster or slower? You tell me. Talk to daddy."

You could hardly think, he was so good at this. "Keep doing what you're doing, it's perfect like this."

You were able to feel the way that Kylo grinned for a moment against you, pleased by your validation before continuing his movements. "I couldn't even wait long enough to bring you to the bedroom. I had to taste you so badly that I have you on the fucking kitchen table."

His words made you tangle your fingers in his hair, biting your lip as you grinned now too, pleased by receiving the same validation. "You're a slut." You teased him, throwing his own words back at him that he used on you the day before.

Kylo was surprised by the jolt of arousal that was sent through his system hearing you call him that. It was wrong, he shouldn't like it, but he did. "Daddy's a slut for you." He agreed, hands finding your thighs so that he could squeeze them.

That caused you to moan loudly, shutting your eyes in pleasure as you pulled his hair, not even really meaning to. It turned you on so much to know that he was willing to say things like that with you, you knew he'd never do it with anyone else.

As Kylo continued to expertly move his tongue against your clit, you growled in frustration when you heard your phone ring from where it sat on the kitchen counter.

"I should get that for you." Kylo muttered in between tongue flicks.

You grabbed his hair tighter. "Don't." You were practically beginning.

Kylo smirked at the desperation in your voice, pulling away from you. "That's not for you to decide." He reminded you of who was in charge right now.

You went to grab at his hair to keep him in place but he easily moved your hands away then went over to the counter to grab your phone. You watched as his face lit up, a smirk on his lips as he swiped at the screen, answering the call.

He was back to you quickly, pushing the phone into your hands, an expecting look on his face.

Seeing the name 'Armie' on the screen caused your stomach to drop and you wanted to throw the phone at Kylo's face for being so careless. But it was too late, you could hear Hux saying, 'hello?' on the other end, able to tell that you answered it.

"Hi." You said, trying to act casual, "What's up?" You asked. You almost laughed out loud at that question. It was so simple and yet you were asking it to the man you were being forced to marry.

Kylo was back on his knees in no time, kissing up your leg from your calf to your thigh. His eyes were trained on your face, taking in your reactions, teasing you. He loved having this power. He loved knowing that Hux was oblivious on the other line to his enemy kissing all over his fianceé's skin.

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