Ch.45 - Follow Directions

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You weren't sure if you'd been this apprehensive about going to eat some food in a long time. You were on your way to dinner, where you knew Kylo, his knights, and a few business partners were waiting for your arrival.

As the driver went down the thin, winding roads on the cliffside, you couldn't help but be amused by the fact that he could hardly keep his eyes off of you. You noticed he'd swerve slightly as he glanced up at the rearview mirrors to take another look at you and how good you looked.

The long black dress that Kylo bought you looked perfect. It hugged your body in all the best ways, the neckline showed the perfect amount of cleavage, and the bottom hem hit your ankles just where it should. You spent your time on your hair and makeup, knowing exactly how he liked you to wear it and indulging him in that. He spent so much time planning this getaway for you, the least you could do is put on some dark eyeshadow for him.

    But besides all of the preparation you'd done to ensure you followed Kylo's directions on your appearance, as you went over bumps in the road or adjusted your legs, you were very much aware of what was nestled between your thighs.

    The remote-controlled vibrator that Kylo told you to wear.

    You'd never seen one in person before, at least not held one in your hands. It was curved, like the letter 'C'. The thicker end of the curve, you read in the directions, was meant to be inserted inside of you which caused the thinner curve to bend around your body, the end of it resting against your clit.

    The directions also let you know that the vibrations of it were controlled by an app installed on a phone. You knew Kylo had already installed it on his.

    You also learned that the vibrator could be controlled from his phone, no matter the distance from the device. Since putting it inside of you and situating it as comfortably as possible inside your lacy panties that helped hold it in place, you were on edge. You knew that Kylo could press the button at any point. Even now.

    It always excited you when he took control like this and as much as you wanted to pretend to be irritated by him insisting you do this for him, you did love it. As wet as it made you, it did make you nervous though. You weren't sure how much mercy he was going to take on you.

    You felt the car come to a slow stop and when you looked out of the backseat's tinted window, you could see that you were at what appeared to be a fancy restaurant, a line of people outside waiting to get in and a line of cars waiting to get valeted.

    The driver glanced behind him for a moment, at you, before he got out of his driver's side so that he could open your door for you and assist you in getting out by lending you his arm.

    You felt eyes on you and whispers, the people wondering who you were since you seemed to be so important, getting your own driver and looking as good as you did. You usually liked the attention and a part of you still did, but with the toy placed inside of you, it made it all the more nerve-wracking.

    There was a split second where you didn't know where to go, unable to speak the language of the people around you and not being able to see the entrance of the restaurant.

    But then, pushing through the crowds in an expensive suit, was Ushar. He got your attention with a wave of his fingers, motioning for you to come over to him and you wasted no time in walking towards him, happy to see a familiar face in the group of strangers.

    "You look good." You told him, looking him over with a small smirk. You couldn't help yourself and besides, it was amusing to watch his face light up. He never knew how to respond to your compliments because it always felt like Kylo was looking in over his shoulder, judging whether or not his replies were appropriate enough or not.

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