Ch.35 - Waiting

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(Warnings: Violence/fighting. Eventual CNC. Ya know, the usual.)

"I can't keep pushing this off." Hux said in a hushed tone. "It's time we talk about Kylo Ren."

Oh, Kylo Ren. Sure. No big deal. Just the man that you were madly in love with. The same one that was planning to kill the man across from you and the same one who had just fucked you in the bathroom while holding a knife to your throat.

You were surprised that it took this long for him to be brought up again. There was that time, when Hux stopped by unannounced and Kylo had to hide in the closet. That had been the confrontation that was closest to this. But this was so much worse.

You were so frustrated. In just a few days, Hux was supposed to be dead and this was all supposed to be over. But this could complicate things and god, you really hoped not. You were so sick of hiding and waiting.

"What about him?" You asked Hux, trying your best to hide the way that the mention of his name made your heart pound practically out of your chest. This wasn't good, you could sense it. You saw the way that Kylo was being scolded by Snoke and based on the look on Hux's face, he wasn't happy either.

"What about him? Really?" Hux repeated in an incredulous tone, an angry chuckle leaving his chest. "How about this? I know you just snuck off with him at our own engagement party. Who knows what the fuck you did together but I would place high bets on the fact that it wasn't the first time."

You said nothing, mind reeling.

"It wasn't the first time, was it?" Hux asked you, disgusted, "Actually don't even answer that because I know the truth. I see the way you look at each other, the way he talks to you, fuck, the way he talks about you...He lives down the hall from you, I don't even want to think about how much time you two probably spend together."

You weren't sure what to say. You spent so much time denying your relationship with Kylo that seeing him talk to blatantly about it caught you off guard. You weren't sure if you should keep up the act or come clean. You wondered what Kylo would tell you to do, you wished he were there to help you.

Hux was infuriated by your silence and from the dumbstruck look on your face. You had the ability to ruin the lives of people around you and then act innocent about it, it drove him crazy.

Hux had always been suspicious about you and Kylo. Even from the first couple of weeks that he moved back and Kylo revealed that he stopped by your college's gallery to see your art and he made that large donation in your name, Hux knew that he should be suspicious.

But now, you had shown him right to his face and worse, you had done it right in front of Snoke as well.

He moved so that he had you closer to the wall, in the corner of the hallway so that you weren't able to move around and walk away from him. "You think you're so much smarter than me, don't you? That I'm oblivious to what you've been doing behind my back for months?"

"Armie-" You started but he interrupted you.

"Don't call me that." He said quickly, eyes set narrowly on you. "Don't talk to me like you love me because I'm fully aware that you don't. You haven't loved me for a while." Hux said to you, still keeping you backed in the corner.

"Well it's not like you love me. You never did." You quickly countered, "I don't know if you've ever even liked me." You said, thinking about it. When did he ever demonstrate that he was interested in a word you had to say if you weren't stroking his ego?

"And you think Ren does?" Hux asked you, almost amused despite his frustration. "Can you honestly say that you think Kylo Ren loves you?"

You were silent, thinking of all the times Kylo told you so, how he had said it to you in the bathroom moments ago, even. You knew Kylo loved you. You never had to question it because you felt it too.

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