Ch.41 - Surprise

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(A/N: Hi! I know these last couple chapters have been pretty heavy and there hasn't been much Kylo content but it's all necessary. Trust the process, I promise! Just know that it won't be that way for much longer and I appreciate everyone sticking around. Okay. Enjoy!)

To say that the plane ride back home was uncomfortable, was a bit of an understatement.

You had spent almost the entire flight with your gun trained directly on Vicrul, trying to ignore the way that Ushar was yelling from the bathroom for you to let him out.

You did feel bad, honestly, you did. These were your close friends who you were threatening and locking away. But, each time you questioned yourself, your brain went right to Kylo. You had to get back to him. This wasn't easy but it was a necessary part of this.

"I'm sorry." You said to Vicrul after about thirty minutes of tense silence.

He said nothing at first, thinking it over. He wasn't happy to be in this situation, that was for sure. But none of this would make him happy. Even if he was doing the right thing by following Kylo's instructions, it would've still felt wrong to leave you.

Deep down, this is what Vicrul wanted. Even though it was dangerous, he wanted you to go back to Kylo. He was thankful that you decided for him to let you do so, it would be a lot easier to explain to Kylo that you held him at gunpoint than to explain that he'd just given into your wishes.

"I really hate that you and Ushar were brought into this but...I have to." You frowned, adjusting the weapon in your hand. "I can't just get sent away without a fight."

More silence.

"You're fucking crazy," Vicrul said at one point, sighing and leaning back in his seat. He glanced over at you, noticing that you had the gun positioned in your hand while you yawned, getting more comfortable in your seat.

"I know." You agreed with him.

The two of you locked eyes and it just happened, the two of you couldn't stop laughing. This entire situation was crazy. The fact that you had been kidnapped, Kylo had dropped you off and left you, and now you were sneaking your way right back to him.

"What's so funny? I hate it here, I'm too fucking big for this." Ushar groaned from the bathroom, left out. You could faintly hear the way that there was a thud against the door. He had sunk to the ground, resting the back of his head against the locked door behind him. He'd given up trying to get out a while ago.

"I'm crazy." You called back to him, still laughing a little with Vicrul.

There was a moment of pause.

"Yeah, no shit," Ushar called back, smirking slightly, despite himself.

It didn't matter if you were threatening both of their lives. They still cared about you, they were still on your side.

"Put these on," Vicrul told you, handing you a sweatshirt of his, several sizes too big and a pair of sunglasses, trying to hide your identity as much as he could considering the circumstances.

The three of you had just landed.


You nodded, doing as he said, even though it felt sort of stupid to you. Like you were putting on a cheesy disguise in a movie instead of sneaking back to the place you had previously lived.

Vicrul moved to the back of the plane, moving the beverage cart out of the way so that Ushar could open the bathroom door and let himself out. "Alright, man." He called out, letting him know that he was free to leave.

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