Ch.19- Your Side

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A/N: if you don't already, follow my tiktok @ worm...girl . I post memes and moodboards for this story.
Also, I just wanted to say thank you to my readers. I only started posting a month ago and it means so much to me that people are enjoying it!!

You had fallen asleep with Kylo many times now but this was the first time you'd ever woken up in his bed.

When your eyes first fluttered open, you had forgotten where you were for a few moments. His room was so much darker than yours. Not just in the wall color or decor but also in the way that he had his curtains shut tightly on all of his windows. It startled you at first, before your brain could really wake up, because the layout was almost the same as your apartment but just slightly off.

But then you heard the quiet snoring coming from your side and when you turned to look, your heart soared at what you saw. Kylo fast asleep, facing you on his side with the most peaceful look on his face. It almost looked like he was smiling in his sleep, even.

If you weren't staring at him right then, you might've thought that everything that happened the night before had been a dream. You pinched yourself. Nope, this was real life.

There were so many things you had to figure out now. The first thing would be deciding what you were going to do with Hux. You couldn't stay with him, you realized that. But that left you with a lot of questions.

What would you do about your apartment and college? Sure, Kylo would probably offer to pay for it, he had more money than Hux did anyways, but everything was still in your current boyfriend's name. If he were petty enough, he could take everything away from you. How were you even going to break it off with him? Would you tell him that you were with Kylo or let him find out on his own? Those weren't even your biggest worries.

The biggest concern was, how were you going to tell Kylo that you even considered teaming up with Hux to take him down? Would that break his trust for you? Would he kill Hux on the spot? Would he kill you?

You looked back over to him and frowned at how relaxed he was. He had no idea.

You were anxious now and had to get out out of bed and away from him for a little bit to clear your mind. You tried to be as silent as possible as you slid off the side of his mattress.

Kylo woke up not too much longer after you did, shivering. He was cold and when he saw that you weren't in bed laying against him, he realized it was because he was missing the heat from your body. He ran his hands along his sheets, as if trying to find you.

He heard some noise coming from his kitchen as his brain fully woke up, he realized that it must be you out there. It was strange to have you so casually in his apartment like this. When he had hooked up with girls in the past, he never let them spend the night. He barely even looked at them when he was done having sex with them. But here you were, in his personal space the next morning and hanging out in his kitchen by yourself.

He got out of bed and stretched his arms over his head with a yawn. He slept really well last night with you against him, he felt well rested for the first time in a while.

Kylo grabbed his underwear and sweatpants off from the floor, still naked from the night before. He was confused as to where his shirt went. When he walked out to the kitchen and saw you standing at the stove, he realized why it was missing. You had it on.

"I let you stay here one night and you're already stealing my clothes and my food." Kylo smirked, walking up behind you. He wrapped his arms around you from behind and leaned down to bury his nose against your hair. "My bad girl." He teased you, kissing the top of your head gently.

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