Ch.13- Angels & Demons

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A/N: Ummm... Y'all... (insert eyeball emoji here)

It was very weird but after that two and a half hour plane ride, you could honestly say that you now considered some of the Knights your friends.

Not only was it weird because they had already seen you in a very compromised position at the club. But also, because they were the fucking Knights of Ren. Before you'd actually spoken to them, you heard a lot of stories that painted them out to be hedonistic monsters. And maybe they were.

But when Vicrul had played a game of cards with you just to get your mind off of things or when Ushar had willingly chugged half the bottle of liquor just because it was making you laugh, you started to wonder if there was anyone out there that was purely evil. Everyone you thought might be, had been recently proving you wrong.

You had thought the same thing about Kylo and now here was, agreeing to stay the night at your apartment just because you told him you didn't want to sleep alone.

Of course, he was fucking you too. But that was a give in.

Kylo was all pent up, he had been a few steps away from fucking you multiple times that day and he was ready to go the second you two were alone. The two of you had started out in the kitchen, that was the room closest to the front door of your apartment. He had picked you up and put you on the marble countertop the instant that you shut the door behind you.

But you were so tired from everything that had happened earlier and you wanted to be comfortable. Surprisingly, when you asked him to carry you to your bed, he obliged. As sick as it was, he loved when you were weak for him.

Now you were laying on your back against your familiar blankets with a growingly familiar man on top of you. Compared to how you had felt back at the club and even when you had been on the plane, you now felt like you were in a daydream. It obviously helped your mood too that you were so attracted to Kylo and he was currently fucking the shit out of you.

He had your arms above your head, holding both of your hands down easily with just one of his while he thrusted inside of you. He was going slower than normal, he was taking his time and enjoying himself.

You moaned underneath him, your hands twitching under his grip. "Let me touch you." You sighed. He looked so beautiful, you wanted to run your fingers through his hair, over his scars.

"Not yet." He said, panting as he tightened his hand on your wrists as if to show how serious he was. "I want you desperate."

You made a noise of frustration, "I am desperate." You argued with him. You hooked a leg around his waist to pull him down closer on top of you.

Kylo groaned at the sound of that, a grin lazily on his face. "You are, aren't you?" He teased you. "My desperate, needy girl. Aw, you wanna touch me so bad, don't you?" He cooed, mockingly.

You dug the heel of your foot into his back where you had your leg wrapped around in response to him, trying again to move your hands.

Instead of loosening his grip, Kylo moved his free hand to your leg and brought it up so that it was resting on his shoulder. He paused at first so that you both could adjust yourselves in this new position and then he let himself roll his hips towards you. You both gasped out loud. He was so much deeper inside of you.

You two locked eyes with each other with surprised satisfaction on your faces. "Oh my god." You whined, biting your lip at the feeling. It was slightly painful but it felt so good, you felt so close to him.

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