Ch.24 - Use Me

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You swiped through the screen on your phone, contemplating.

    What was the best restaurant to go on a date with your fake boyfriend that you were cheating on?

    You were dreading this 'date night' with Hux, so much. It didn't feel good to betray him in the way that you were but you knew the more time you spent with him, the more information you could get from him and that meant the quicker you could end things with him and openly be with Kylo.

    You googled, 'restaurants in my area with the best alcohol selection'. You were going to need it tonight.

    Hux was supposed to stop by your apartment around seven and you heard a knock on your door, right on time. He was always punctual and always so particular.

    "Hi." You said, opening the door and letting him in. You discreetly looked him over. He didn't look bad, but he looked rough. He was still put together, his suit and hair perfect. But he looked thinner than usual, paler, dark circles under his eyes. You pretended not to notice.

    "Hey." He greeted you, walking inside, leaving an umbrella by your door, "We might have to wait here for a few minutes to let the storm pass, it's getting bad out there."

    "I was wondering about that." You sighed. Great, that meant more time alone with him.

    "My driver said that there's power outages down by fifth street. That's not where the restaurant is, right?" He asked you. He looked around the apartment, it felt like ages since he'd been there last.

    "I don't think so." You shrugged. There was silence now. It was awkward between the two of you.    

    You and Hux were never easygoing and natural with each other, there was always an air of this being some sort of arrangement. But recently, the two of you barely saw each other and clearly, you two had a lot going on when you were apart. You barely recognized each other. For two people who have been dating for over a year, it was was almost comical that you were struggling to come up with small talk.

    "Well..." You shifted on your feet, "Make yourself comfortable." You helped him shrug off his suit jacket, carefully placing it on the back of a chair. "Let's turn on the tv and see what they're saying about the weather. I'll get you a drink." You offered, trying to ease the weirdness in the air.

    Hux nodded in response, taking a seat on your couch with a loud sigh of relief. It was the first time he had sat down all day, he realized.

    Soon, you were making your way back over to him with a glass of wine for yourself and a glass of whiskey for Hux. You noticed how tense he seemed and if it had been months ago...If Hux was Kylo right now...You would've moved behind him and given him a shoulder massage or something to ease it. But being affectionate with him just made you sick to your stomach, it reminded you how guilty you were.

    "Thanks, honey." He told you gratefully as he flipped through the channels.

    You felt stupid, barefoot in your fancy dress sitting next to your fake boyfriend. You were such a phony, you thought.

    A loud crack of thunder rang though the apartment, causing you to jump. "Shit." You mumbled to yourself.

    "I didn't know you were afraid of storms." Hux commented, looking over at you with a frown.

    "Storms are fine. But storms when you are on the top floor of an apartment where an entire wall is a window is a different story." You explained to him, glancing outside. The rain was hitting against the glass of the window hard and every now and then you'd see flashes of lightning in the distance.

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