Ch.3 - So Good

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*Warning: Sex in this chapter. It's safe to say that almost every chapter from here on out will have sex in it. So, proceed with caution.

Kylo Ren wasn't sure if he wanted to fuck you or kill you. You were driving him insane.

    After your encounter with him at the art gallery, he had been walking around all day hard as rock. You hadn't done anything, you had literally just stood there and yet...he wanted you so fucking bad.

    He tried to distract himself but nothing worked.

    He went to the gym to work out but every time he lifted a weight, he couldn't help but wonder how it would feel to lift you up, up and down on his cock...

    He made a big purchase, a new suit, but as he tried it on he couldn't help but wonder what you'd look like undoing the buttons, pushing the material on the floor...

    He watched a movie, did some gambling, started a few arguments with unsuspecting soldiers...nothing worked.

    It was always you on his mind.

    Finally, in one last ditch effort, Kylo decided maybe he should just get out of his mind. He decided to take a few shots of whiskey and do a line or two of coke. It didn't distract him from you at all, in fact, it just made him crazier for you since his thoughts were unfiltered and heightened.

    He couldn't take it anymore, he needed release. He knew just who to call and soon, there was a knock on his door.

    Kylo almost stumbled to the door, the blood rushing to his head from standing up too quickly. When he opened the door, he frowned at what he saw but let the two women in. "I asked for one." He said to them in a far from friendly tone.

    "He thought he would surprise you and send two of us." One of the prostitutes said in what she assumed was a sultry tone. Kylo wasn't in the right frame of mind to even notice her attempt at being sexy.

    He shut and locked the door behind the two then looked them over. When he called their boss he specifically asked for them to look like you. He listed all of your physical attributes, practically begging him to find someone who fit that description. It was clear that there was an attempt made but...Jesus, what was he expecting? Your twin? That's what he had wanted.

     The two women were clearly uncomfortable at his disapproval, that wasn't the reaction that they were used to. They glanced at each other as if to say, 'should one of us leave?'. But before they could say much more, Kylo was walking back into the bedroom, wordlessly telling them to follow.

    "Get comfortable." He mumbled to them, going over to his table to take an other shot and do an other line.

    Several minutes later, Kylo was laying naked on his back while the two women were kissing each other, trying to put on a show, as he put on a condom. This wasn't right. This didn't feel like he was with you at all and that had been all he wanted. "There's too many of you." He said, mostly to himself. He looked them over again, deciding one of them looked more like you than the other did.

    "You." He pointed to her, "Come here."

    She obeyed, moving so that she was straddling him. The other woman moved so that she was laying next to him, not offended, happy to just be able to lay back and watch. They clearly had been requested to do worse before and besides, Kylo was a lot more attractive than most of their past clients. 

    "Ride my cock." Kylo told her, nodding as if he were giving her permission.

    She didn't waste any time lowering herself onto him.

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