Ch. 36 - Stolen

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(Warnings: Depictions of graphic violence.)

You woke up in the morning with a shiver. Your legs were hanging out from the side of your blanket which was rare, most of the time you woke up all wrapped up in them or at least with Kylo's arms wrapped around you.

"Give me the blanket." You complained to Kylo in a whine, assuming that he took them. He did that sometimes too. If the two of you stopped cuddling for whatever reason, he'd get desperate for the heat of your body and in his sleep, he'd pull at the blankets because they were the next best thing.

Kylo didn't respond so you reached behind you, hand blindly searching for either the blanket or the man who took them from you.


You turned around, wiping the sleep from your eyes. He wasn't on his side of the bed. You glanced over at the bathroom, at the kitchen that you could see through your open bedroom door, at the couch in the living room where he sometimes drank coffee and waited for you to wake up. No trace of him there.

    "Kylo?" You called out. Once again, nothing.

    You glanced at your phone and saw that there were no texts or calls.

    Normal girls would just assume that their boyfriend (Boyfriend? Was Kylo technically your boyfriend?) was busy and had to go somewhere. It should be no big deal. But you and Kylo were far from normal. An unexpected absence was usually not good.

    You swung your legs over the side of your bed and wrapped your fluffy robe around yourself as you shuffled out to your kitchen. It was always so bright in there because of the large ceiling to floor windows and it was never easy to adjust to that discomfort first thing in the morning.

    Your intention was to head over to Kylo's and see if he was there before sending him a text or calling him, not wanting to blow his phone up and while doing so, blow this out of proportion. But as you went over to get your shoes, you saw something sitting on the kitchen counter top.

    You frowned and made your way over. A box, black with red ribbon. You knew Kylo got it for you, that's always what his presents looked like. Lord knew who he made wrap them for him at any hour of the day he asked them to. There was a note on top and you opened that first:

    I'm sorry for beating the shit out of your fake fiancé last night.

    Be ready by 6:00. Wear what's in the box.

    I love you


    You couldn't help but laugh at his apology. He actually did owe you one, not just for kicking Hux's ass but also just for the stress he was constantly putting you under. Even if you were willing to endure the difficult times to be with him, that didn't mean it was easy. It was far from it. Moments like this, when you saw 'I love you' written in his handwriting or when you thought about the date he planned for the two of you later, made it all worth it.

    Next you pulled the silky ribbon from the box and removed the lid. Tissue paper lined the inside and after parting that, you were able to pick up what was inside. A black dress, sexy and low cut. Of course, inside of the box was a pair of sexy underwear too, with a cute matching bra.

    It didn't matter if you weren't exactly surprised by the contents, it would always give you butterflies to know that Kylo took time out of his day to pick something out for you. As cheesy as it sounded, it was the thought that counted.

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