Ch. 49 - The End

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(Warnings: Guns and violence/blood though I wouldn't say it's graphic. )

(A/N: THIS IS THE FINAL CHAPTER! Please read the chapter following this one for some additional notes/announcements <3)

Your paintbrush swept across the canvas.


The same red that you accidentally got on Kylo's face right before he asked you to marry him.

You weren't sure if you'd ever be able to look at the color in the same way again. Every time that you saw it, you were convinced that you'd be able to only imagine Kylo's face with that tiny stroke of crimson under his eye that you tried so hard to wipe away right before he got on one knee and pulled out the ring.

"Almost done, baby? I want to call the guys and tell them the news." Kylo called out to you. He was still on his spot on the couch, from where the two of you made love and moaned about how much you loved each other just a few moments ago. Only now, he was clothed. Both of you were.

"Yeah, one second." You replied, squinting as you moved your head back to take in the way the canvas looked. You were still finishing up the one you started before the proposal, the one where you were recreating the polaroid of the two of you on vacation.

When you decided that it was up to your liking, you wiped your hands off on the cloth beside you and hopped off of the stool.

When Kylo saw you approaching him, he outstretched his arms, telling you to come closer. "Come here. They're not going to believe you said yes unless you're the one to tell them." He smirked, pulling you in close when you sat down on his lap.

"Do they know that you were proposing?" You asked, snuggling up against him as he pulled his phone out.

"Vic does. He went with me to get the ring. But I didn't trust anyone else. Do you really think that Ushar would've kept his mouth shut? He would've told you right away." He chuckled as he unlocked his phone with his free hand and pressed the part of the screen to facetime Vicrul.

Vicrul answered the phone pretty quickly, the angle of the phone only on his face even though it was clear that there were other knights in the room from the way that there were yells and laughter in the background. You watched as he shushed them and told them that Ren was on the phone.

The commotion died down and you stifled a chuckle when you saw the way that a few of the knights rushed behind him to be in the frame, peeking in over Vic's shoulder or his head.

"So..." Vicrul said slowly as if to urge you on. He didn't want to say aloud what he was waiting for on the off chance Kylo got too nervous or something similar.

You pretended to be confused, building the suspense.

Then, "I said yes." You grinned, holding the ring up to the camera.

The amount of noise that came out of the phone's speaker was intense, the sounds of the knights screaming and cheering filling up the studio you were sitting in. You could see a few of them taking shots in celebration in the background or doing that side hug that men did from time to time.

Kylo usually tried to be stoic in front of his men, wanting to be in charge and not give them a moment of weakness, even if it was positive. But to see them celebrate something that made him so happy, he couldn't help but let out a laugh himself. He grinned as he pulled you closer to his side, pressing a kiss to your cheek.

You were smiling ear to ear yourself, watching the way that the knights were seemingly throwing a party because of your engagement. It was adorable. They were a group of violent and seemingly emotionless men when it came to the crimes they committed. But when they weren't actively doing anything harmful, they were a bunch of sweet guard dogs.

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