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Out of everything that I've written for Money Power Glory so far, this might be the most difficult.

    I can't even put into words how much this story means to me. I started writing it years before I ever thought of publishing it. It was an original story, not a Kylo/Star Wars fan fiction and the world I created genuinely felt like home to me. These characters lived in my head during significant stages of my life and were the comfort that got me through it when it got rough.

    When I first published the reworked Kylo version, I had no idea that anyone would ever find it, let alone take the time to read it.

    I understand how emotionally taxing and time-consuming that it can be to invest your feelings into a story. I am so appreciative of everyone who has taken the chance to do that with my book. It truly means the world to me. Thank you for trusting me throughout the journey of posting it.

    I have learned so much about myself and met so many important people to me during this process. It might just be fan fiction to some people, but it really is a big part of the timeline of my life. I am so sad to see this story end, but I'm also so happy that I could share this with everyone who's taken the time to read it. It's so special to me.

    From the bottom of my heart, I want to say thank you for reading this story. Thank you for being patient with it when it got upsetting. Thank you for all of the comments and kind words. Thank you for allowing my version of Kylo into your heart. Seriously. Fucking thank you.

    With all of that sappiness being said, I do want to make a few announcements:

First: If you now have a Money Power Glory sized hole in your heart and you haven't read my other stories, I would recommend going to my page and seeing if anything else sounds interesting to you.

More specifically, I have another Kylo Ren AU fic called Cruel World. In it, Kylo is your professor and your sugar daddy and it gives me a lot of MPG vibes.

I also have more stories in the works, so please follow me on here or on any of my social media platforms so you can stay updated when I do so.

Twitter & Insta: @ worm_girll

Tiktok: @ worm...girl

Ao3: @ worm_girl


There will be a Money Power Glory sequel.

It's called Off to the Races and the introduction chapter is published (and perhaps more, depending on when you're reading this). Read the intro and add it to your library so that you can be notified when it updates.


Money Power Glory [Mafia Kylo Ren AU]Where stories live. Discover now