Ch.22 - Truth or Dare?

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Warnings: Gunplay, dubcon (due to alcohol/drugs).

A/N: this chapter might not be for everyone but I hope you enjoy regardless!

It had been years since you felt like you belonged somewhere. Since you felt like you were home.

You weren't sure if you felt like this was it, there were still so many things that you would change if you could.

But being in Kylo's arms felt pretty damn close.

"I want to get drunk." You told Kylo.

He stared at you, trying not to smile, not wanting you to see how much you entertained him. "Drunk?"

You nodded, "Maybe high too."

He sighed, shaking his head, chuckling under his breath. The two of you were still sitting tangled up in each other, in your chair by the window. The sun was gone now and you were able to see all of the lights down below. You had been so serious and panicked almost an hour ago, it took him by surprise that you were switching like this, wanting to just forget it all. He had no idea how much his words had fixed things for you.

"Why's that?" He asked you, his fingers trailing up and down your spine gently.

Your own fingers were running along his dress shirt, feeling the muscles in his chest underneath the material before moving your touch up to the gold chain on his neck, partly hidden under his collar. "It's been a long day and I want to just turn my brain off for a while."

Your eyes met his again, a spark of excitement in them now. "Get drunk with me."

Kylo laughed out loud. He hated the way his heart swelled to see you get excited, it made him feel stupid. "I don't think so." He said, thinking about it, "You aren't supposed to drink to get rid of feelings, it just makes it worse."

Kylo already knew his answer. If it's what you wanted, he would get drunk with you, he couldn't say no to you. But he didn't want you to see him give in so easy because you would definitely take advantage of that in the future.

You rolled your eyes. "When did you start caring about what you're supposed to do? You do bad shit all the time. You probably killed someone today, you aren't supposed to do that."

There was a glint in his eyes, "I did."

You raised your eyebrows, "You did?"

"I killed three people today." He corrected you, "Maybe four, I can't remember."

You tried not to react, not wanting him to think that he scared you, "Oookay..." You said awkwardly.

It was always so easy for you to forget who he really was. The same man who had been pretty much begging you to stay with him, was the same man that was so casual about murder that he couldn't even keep track of how many people he killed that day.

Kylo grinned at you, taking in your flustered expression. You were the only person who made him laugh this easy, even if you didn't mean to.

"Okay." He agreed with you, amused.

"So..." You ducked your head, pressing your lips against his neck. You kissed him there, "You'll get drunk with me, daddy?" You breathed against his skin, noticing the way that his breath hitched as you did so.

He hummed as if he were thinking about it, ignoring the way his pulse quickened at your words. He always liked it when you called him daddy without him prompting you to. "I don't know. I have an other long day tomorrow. I might need some convincing..."

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