Ch. 6 - Hangover Cure

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A/N: This chapter is a little shorter than I'd like but it is a spicy one!

Warnings: Slight dubcon.

When you woke up the next morning, you felt like you had been ran over by a train. Not just because of your hangover but also because of everything that had happened the day before.

    You knew that you fucked up by doing what you did with Kylo but did you regret it?

    You thought about your answer to that question. Guilt rose in your throat when you realized your answer... You didn't regret it at all.

    Your head was pounding and the darkness of your bathroom was a welcome relief. You were running a bath, hoping that would help with the hangover. It was pretty cozy in there, really. The lights were off and you had a few candles going, lots of bubbles in the bath water, and you had some soft music playing as well.

    Lowering yourself into the water, you let out a sigh. It was already helping. You pressed the button that turned on the jets of the jacuzzi and the bubbles multiplied as you did so. You let yourself relax completely, shutting your eyes and leaning the back of your head against the bath pillow you had attached to the side of the tub.

    You had a lot on your mind and you tried to distract yourself by thinking about the plans that you had for the day. There really wasn't much for you to do besides the dinner you were supposed to go to that night. You weren't entirely sure who all was going to be there but you knew it was a bigger event than just a few people. And there went your distraction because your mind wandered to Kylo, wondering if he was going to be attending. Probably.

    With a groan, you turned the music coming from your speaker up a little louder, anything to distract you.

    You shut your eyes again and you felt yourself drifting off. The warm water was soothing and it was nice to pretend that the temperature of the water was the only thing that you needed to worry about.

    You had been so relaxed, in fact, that you were only snapped out of it when your music abruptly turned off. You sighed, assuming the speaker died.

    When you opened your eyes, you couldn't help but gasp when you saw Kylo standing directly over you. How long had he been there?

    "What the fuck!" You yelled, your hands instantly covering yourself up though it was of no use because the bubbles covered everything anyways. You quickly turned off the jets of the jacuzzi, so you could hear him better.

    Kylo just smirked, not moving an inch. "Did anyone ever teach you that it isn't safe to fall asleep in the bath tub?"

    You gaped at him in shock. He had really scared you.

    "You left your keys in my apartment last night." He then said, holding them up to you, dangling from his finger. You noticed that he was wearing black leather gloves. In fact, his entire outfit was black. You'd never seen him like that before. Did he have on a bullet proof vest? It was hard to tell in the darkness of the room.

    "Did anyone ever teach you to knock?" You mocked his first question to you. Now that the initial shock was wearing off, you were just upset with him for waltzing in knowing it would freak you out. "You could've just left the keys on the table." You added.

    "What fun would that be?" He asked but he was distracted. You watched as he practically paced around your bathroom. He was anxious which was odd because in this situation you were the one who should feel nervous. He had been on his way to an important mafia deal when he remembered he still had your keys. He felt nervous and unsure about the deal he was about to walk into and he hated that. He needed to use you and make you weak, to make himself stronger.

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